Installing the SMS Scalability Tools

When you set up your pilot project, you might want to dedicate several computers to creating synthetic sites and generating synthetic load. You can install the SMS scalability tools from the Microsoft BackOffice 4.5 Resource Kit CD-ROM without installing the rest of the Resource Kit. If you install the Microsoft BackOffice 4.5 Resource Kit and select only the SMS scalability tools, the following tools are installed and can be accessed as you would access them in a full installation of the Resource Kit.

Table 11.1 SMS Scalability Tools Included and Documented in This Resource Kit

This tool …Is documented in
SMS Site Properties ManagerThis chapter
SMS Object GeneratorThis chapter
SMS Console Load SimulationChapter 14, “Using SMS 2.0 Tools — Part 2

SMS Site Properties Manager requires a connection to a functioning SMS site, which can be either a production site or a pilot project site. SMS Object Generator can be used with or without a connection to an existing site.

Note   You must also install the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) core components before you can use SMS Site Properties Manager. To install these components, run WBEMsdk.exe from the \Bin directory on the Systems Management Server version 2.0 compact disc.