Exporting Site Settings

When you use SMS Site Properties Manager to export site settings, the settings are written to a text file. You can export some or all of the settings in a site for any configurable object (for example, the Windows NT User Account Discovery method) or object class (for example, all discovery methods). The settings can be written to a new SMSBuild Data file (*.sdf), or they can overwrite an existing file or be appended to an existing file. Later, when you import site settings you have previously exported, you can choose to import all of the settings, or just the settings for certain object classes.

Procedure Bullet  To export site settings

  1. In the SMS Site Properties Manager window, select the objects whose settings you want to export.

    You can select a single item in the details pane, or you can select several items in the details pane by holding down the CTRL or SHIFT key while clicking different objects in the details pane.

    To select all members of a class of objects, select the class in the SMS Site Properties Manager tree. For example, you can select all client agent settings by clicking Client Agents in the SMS Site Properties Manager tree, or you can select all site settings by clicking Site Settings.

  2. Right-click the selection and then click Export <items>. The wording of the this command reflects the object or object class you have selected.
  3. In the Export to dialog box, select the folder in which you want to save the file from the Save in box and type the name of a new file in the File name box. The default extension for SMSBuild Data files is .sdf.

    To either overwrite an existing file or append to an existing file, select the folder from the Save in box and then select the existing file from the display of files in that folder.

  4. If you specified an existing file, choose whether to overwrite or append to the file.
  5. Click OK.