Using Drag-and-Drop Functionality

SMS Site Properties Manager also supports drag-and-drop functionality.

Copying site settings to another site

In the SMS Site Properties Manager window, you can drag site settings from one site to another. When you drag site settings from a site, the settings of the receiving site are changed to match the settings of the source site. In this way, you can quickly propagate basic configurations throughout a test or production environment. After you have copied the basic configuration settings to all the sites, you can use the SMS Administrator console to modify these settings for each individual site.

Note   You can import or copy settings that are appropriate to the destination you have specified. For example, if the destination is a site hierarchy, you can import site configuration settings (such as the settings for discovery methods) but not collection and query definitions.

Creating an advertisement

You can create an advertisement within SMS Site Properties Manager by dragging a program to a collection. After you do so, the Advertisement Properties dialog box appears with the program and target collection already defined. You can set other advertisement properties in this dialog box, just as you would if you were working in the SMS Administrator console.