Log File, Schedule File, and Error Code Tools Overview

The Microsoft BackOffice 4.5 Resource Kit CD-ROM includes these log file, schedule file, and error code tools:

Convert Schedule and Read Schedule Tools (SchedCnv.exe and ReadSche.exe)
Displays schedule string data in a readable format for troubleshooting schedule problems.
Dump Error Messages (Error32.exe)
Displays error messages for Win32 error codes.
Dump Scheduler Data (DumpSend.exe)
Displays data from a Scheduler send request (.srq) file.
Log Span (LogSpan.exe)
Displays log file entries from multiple log files for a specified time period.
NAL Logging (Turn_on_nal.reg)
Enables or disables NAL logging on an SMS client or server.
SMS Trace and Tracer (Smstrace.exe, Tracer.exe)
Displays the SMS service log files in real time. When you use these tools, log file data is automatically displayed as it is added to the log file.