Load Site Boundary Tool (SiteBndy.exe)

Use the Load Site Boundary tool to load site boundaries from a text file. If your site includes many subnets, using this tool to enter the site boundaries listed in a text file might be more efficient than entering each subnet by hand from within the SMS Administrator console.

Before using this tool, you must create a text file with a list of site boundaries — one IP subnet per line or one IPX number per line. For more information about creating this text file, see “Using Load Site Boundary.”

This tool includes a command-line option that you can use to export existing site boundaries to a text file, which you can then modify. If you choose to do this, you must run the Load Site Boundary tool twice, the first time to export the existing site boundaries; the second time to impose the changes to the modified text file.

By default, the site boundaries specified in the text file are appended to any existing site boundaries. However, you can also overwrite existing site boundaries as well, which is necessary if you are modifying site boundaries that were exported from the site.

For more information about defining site boundaries, see “Site Boundaries” in Chapter 3, “Planning for SMS in Your Organization,” in the SMS 2.0 Administrator’s Guide.

Load Site Boundary Runs On

Processors: i386, Alpha
Operating systems: Windows NT 4.0

Files Required for Load Site Boundary

Your test file

Load Site Boundary Syntax

sitebndy filename server sitecode [/s:sitecode] [/e | /i] [/u: user [password | *]]

The text-file list of site boundaries. If you are using the /e option, the current site boundaries are exported to this text file.
The name of the site server where the SMS Provider resides.
The three-letter SMS site code of the site that you want to connect to.
/s sitecode
Processes the site boundaries at the specified site. Specify the site by typing the three-letter SMS site code. By default, the site boundaries are processed at the site that the user is logged onto. So, use this option if you want to process the site boundaries at a different site.
Exports existing site boundary addresses to the text file specified in filename. If you use the /i option to overwrite existing site boundaries, you should first use this option to save a copy of the old site boundaries. You can use the resulting text file to modify site boundaries. However, you cannot use the /e and /i options simultaneously. You must run the tool once for each of these options.
Overwrites existing site boundaries with the site boundaries specified in the accompanying text file. This option deletes all previously specified site boundaries. If you use this option, you can first use the /e option to save a copy of the old site boundaries to a text file. Keep in mind that you must run the tool once for each of these options.
/u user [password | *]
Specifies a user and password for server to complete the SMS site code changes. If this option is not specified, the user and password that is currently logged on will be used. If used, this command-line option must be specified last. Otherwise, another command-line option will be interpreted as part of the password. If you want to be prompted to enter a password, type an asterisk (*) after the user name. If no password is specified and an asterisk is not used, the password is interpreted as null.

Using Load Site Boundary

The Load Site Boundary tool allows you to enter site boundaries in many different formats. However, by default, this tool reads the input file for IP addresses. To specify a different address type, such as IPX numbers, you must use the following format:


For example, the following input specifies both IPX addresses and IP addresses:

12121212,IPX Network Number21212121,IPX Network Number123.123.123.123100.100.100.100