Make Collection Tool (Makecoll.exe)

Use the Make Collection tool to create a new collection from a text-file list of computer names or IP addresses that you provide. Before using this tool, you must create a text file with a list of NetBIOS computer names or IP addresses — one name or address per line. By default, Make Collection reads the text file for computer names. If your text file specifies IP addresses, use the /i option to have Make Collection read the text file for IP addresses instead. For more information about creating the text file, see “Using Make Collection.”

Make Collection Runs On

Processors: i386, Alpha
Operating systems: Windows NT 4.0

Files Required for Make Collection

Your text file

Make Collection Syntax

makecoll filename collection server [/s:sitecode] [/i] [/u:user [password | *]]

The text-file list of computer names or IP addresses.
The name of the collection being created.
The name of the site server where the SMS Provider resides.
/s sitecode
Specifies the site that the collection will belong to, where sitecode is the three-letter SMS site code.
Reads IP addresses from the text file rather than machine names.
/u user [password | *]
Specifies a user and password for server to create the collection. If this option is not used, then the user and password that is currently logged on will be used. If used, this command-line option must be specified last. Otherwise, another command-line option will be interpreted as part of the password. If you want to be prompted to enter a password, type an asterisk (*) after the user name. If no password is specified and an asterisk is not used, the password is interpreted as null.

Using Make Collection

If your collection name includes spaces, enclose the collection name in quotation marks as follows:

makecoll MyList.txt "New Collection" MySiteServer /s:ABC

The /u option prompts you for a user name and password to create the collection. If used, the /u option must be the last command-line option specified. To specify a user name (such as Administrator) and prompt a user to enter a password, use the following syntax:

makecoll MyList.txt "New Collection" MySiteServer /s:ABC /u:Administrator *

To specify both a user name and a password for a user to enter when accessing the collection, use the /u option and specify both a user name and the password:

makecoll MyList.txt MyNewCollection MySiteServer /s:ABC /i/u:SMSAdmin My_password