APM Spy Tool (APMSpy.exe)

Use the APM Spy tool to view internal Advertised Program Manager data for a client in a readable format. APM Spy is a command-line tool that should be installed and run on a client.

APM Spy Runs On

Processors: i386; Alpha
Operating systems: Windows NT 4.0, Windows 98, Windows 95

Installing APM Spy

You can install the APM Spy tool by running the Microsoft BackOffice 4.5 Resource Kit Setup program or you can install it on a client by copying APMSpy.exe to the \MS\SMS\Core\Bin directory on the client. The APM Spy tool also uses CliBase.dll and CliLog.dll, which should already be located in this directory.

Files Required for APM Spy


APM Spy Syntax


Using APM Spy

When you run the APM Spy tool, you are prompted to enter a value to indicate the type of information you want to view. The following is a list of values you can enter with a description of the information that appears:

O program_number
Displays the merged advertisement information (offer) received by the client for the specified program.
I program_number
Displays the items (list information) that appear in the Advertised Programs Monitor and Advertised Programs Wizard for the specified program.
D program_number
Displays the program properties that appear in the Advertised Programs Monitor and Advertised Programs Wizard for the specified program.
Displays the programs that are scheduled to run on the client.
Displays the programs that are waiting for a trigger before they can run on the client. Triggers include logon, logoff, or another program that must run first.
Displays the interprocess communications (IPC) connections for the client. The Advertised Programs Monitor, Advertised Programs Wizard, Offer Data Provider, and Program Execution Agent all rely on the IPC mechanism to communicate with the Advertised Programs Manager (SMSAPM32).
Quits the APM Spy tool.