Set Client Event Tool (SetEvnt.exe)

Use the Set Client Event Tool to trigger events on a client. The Set Client Event tool forces both CCIM and Copy Queue to cycle on the client. By using the Set Client Event tool, you can force these client components into action without having to wait for the scheduled cycle. You can also use this tool to trigger other client components. For more information, see “Using Set Client Event.”

CCIM is the SMS client component that ensures that each client is correctly installed and assigned to the correct SMS sites. CCIM also keeps the client data and the SMS site server data synchronized by creating DDRs and determining which optional components should be installed. This component runs as a thread of the SMS Client service. Copy Queue is an SMS client component that copies data to CAPs and logon points.

Set Client Event Runs On

Processors: i386, Alpha
Operating systems: Windows NT 4.0, Windows NT 3.51, Windows 98, Windows 95

Installing Set Client Event

You can install the Set Client Event tool by running the Microsoft BackOffice 4.5 Resource Kit Setup program or by copying the required files to the desired location.

Files Required for Set Client Event


Set Client Event Syntax

setevnt [/q] [cq | COMPONENT_EVENT]

Starts the client event in silent mode — no dialog boxes are displayed.
Starts only the Copy Queue client component.
The client component to start, such as CLISVCL (Client Service). COMPONENT is case-sensitive and must be entered using all uppercase letters.
The event to start, such as startcycle. EVENT is case-sensitive and must be entered using all uppercase letters.

Using Set Client Event

By default, the Set Client Event tool will start Ccim32.exe and Cqmgr32.exe in regular mode and, if applicable, all dialog boxes will appear on the client. To start the client event in silent mode so that the dialog boxes do not appear, use the /q option:

setevnt /q

To start only Copy Queue, use the cq option:

setevnt cq

To start a different client event, specify the event:


– or –


In addition to starting Ccim32.exe and Cqmgr32.exe, you can trigger both the STARTCYCLE event and CLOSE event for the following client components:

CLISVCL (Client Service NT)
Runs on Windows NT clients and starts and monitors the state of all service-context SMS client components (those that run even when the user is logged off). This client component runs continually on all Windows NT clients. CCIM and Copy Queue run as threads of Client Service NT.
CLISVC95 (Client Service 98/95)
Runs on Windows 98 and Windows 95 clients and starts and monitors the state of all service-context SMS client components (those that run even when the user is logged off). This client component runs continually on all Windows 98 and Windows 95 clients. CCIM and Copy Queue run as threads of Client Service 98/95.
CCIM32 (Client Configuration Installation Manager)
Ensures that each client is correctly installed and assigned to the correct sites. As mentioned earlier, this client component also keeps the client data and the SMS site server data synchronized. CCIM runs as a thread of the SMS Client service.
SMSAPM32 (Available Programs Manager)
Runs software on the client, including advertised programs. This client component also runs the installation programs for the optional SMS client components.
SMSMON32 (Advertised Programs Monitor)
Runs the software distribution process on clients. This client component is only installed when the Advertised Programs Client Agent is enabled for the client.