MIF Form Generator Tool and MIF Entry Tool (Mifgen.exe, Mifwin.exe)

SMS stores inventory information by using a data structure based on the Management Information Format (MIF) created by the Desktop Management Task Force (DMTF). You can use the MIF Form Generator and MIF Entry tools to create custom groups that extend a client’s computer inventory to include additional types of information. For example, you can create a custom group that stores user information such as full name, location, room number, phone number, employee identification number, division and so on.

Use the SMS MIF Form Generator tool to create forms that users can complete by using the MIF Entry tool. The MIF Entry tool uses the completed form to create a MIF file that reports the information provided by the user.

You can distribute the MIF Entry tool to clients by using the SMS 2.0 software distribution process. For information about software distribution, see Chapter 12, “Distributing Software,” in the SMS 2.0 Administrator’s Guide.

For example, you can do the following by using the MIF Form Generator and the MIF Entry tools.

  1. Use the SMS MIF Form Generator to create a form for an Employee Information group.
  2. Distribute this form to clients by using the software distribution process.
  3. Users at the client computers will complete the form by using the MIF Entry tool.
  4. SMS then collects the MIF files generated by the users who completed the forms.
  5. The groups added by the MIF files are added to the inventory for the users’ computers in the SMS site database.
  6. You can view the group in Resource Explorer (in the SMS Administrator console) for each client that reported the group to the inventory.

This section describes a MIF form and includes procedures for completing the following tasks:

About MIF Forms

A MIF form provides a mechanism for you to extend a client’s inventory by adding custom groups. It defines custom groups and prompts users at client computers to enter data for each group. Users at client computers must complete the MIF form by using the MIF Entry tool (Mifwin.exe) and its accompanying files, which you can distribute to clients by using the SMS 2.0 software distribution process. After users complete the MIF form, the MIF Entry tool adds the custom group with its associated data to the inventory for the client.

The MIF form sets up the structure of the group: the group name, its class, and its attributes. It enables you to set default values and add instructions for filling in each attribute.

When a user at the client opens a form with the MIF Entry tool, the user enters the specific information for each field. When the user saves the form, the tool stores the MIF in the NOIDMIFS directory on the client. This location is specified by the registry key \HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SMS \Client\Configuration\Client Properties\NOIDMIF and defaults to the %Windir%\MS\SMS\ NOIDMIFS directory

The next time Inventory Agent scans for software inventory, it appends the *.mif file to the *.inv file (or *.raw inventory file on 16-bit clients) it creates as part of regular inventory collection. The group defined by the MIF file is added to the client’s inventory. After Inventory Data Loader processes the MIF file and updates the client’s inventory in the SMS site database, you can view the group in Resource Explorer for that client.

Creating Forms

Using the MIF Form Generator, you can create a form from which a user can create a MIF file that will add a group to the inventory of that user’s computer.

Note   The SMS MIF Form Generator runs only on the Windows NT operating system.

When you create a form, the SMS MIF Form Generator saves it as a file with an .xnf extension in same directory as the MIF Form Generator. After creating a form, you must distribute it with the MIF Entry tool (and the tool’s associated files) to users at client computers so that they can use it to generate a MIF. On clients, the MIF Entry tool reads forms only with the .xnf extension and ignores those with other extensions.

SMS 2.0 includes a MIF form that you can view and modify (Uinfo.xnf). To create a new MIF form, use the following procedure.

Procedure Bullet  To create a MIF form

  1. Launch the SMS MIF Form Generator tool.

    The MIF Form Generator window opens, and by default, a new form opens.

  2. Complete the following settings:
    Form Name
    The title of the form. In the SMS Administrator console, the first 50 characters of this name appear as the name of the group in the details pane of Resource Explorer for that client. This text is used as the NAME entry for the group. The form name is also used as the group name in the class string for the CLASS entry for the group.

    Note that in the form name, you cannot use backslashes. For example, if you specify a name of “Dev\Test”, doing so will result in a failed MIF file in the Dataldr.box\Badmifs directory on the site server. In addition, you cannot use extended ASCII characters. For example, on a German-language computer, you cannot save the MIF file with a name that contains the “Ö” character.

    Text that identifies the form in the Choose A Form dialog box on the target clients.

    If multiple forms are available, the Choose A Form dialog box opens when the user starts the MIF Entry tool. The available forms are listed by their description text. Make sure to type a unique description for each form. If you provide the same description for more than one form, that description will appear only once in the Choose A Form dialog box. The user can then access only one of the forms with the duplicate description.

    Text that defines the company name in the class string for the CLASS entry for the group.
  3. Define the attributes for the group.
  4. You can define three types of attributes: number (short integer, –32767 through 32767), text (string), and list (a fixed list of strings). The SMS MIF Form Generator adds attributes directly above the current selection.

    To add an attribute:

    1. On the Edit menu, click New Field.
    2. The New Field dialog box displays all attributes defined for the group.

    3. Select the type of attribute you want, and then click OK.
    4. The attribute Item dialog box opens.

      For information about defining each type of attribute, see “Defining Attributes.”

  5. To save the form, on the File menu, click Save As.
  6. Type a file name for the form and select the directory where you want to save the form. The form must have an .xnf extension.
  7. Click OK.
  8. To close the SMS MIF Form Generator window, on the File menu, click Exit.

Modifying the default form

You can customize the default form (Uinfo.xnf) and then distribute it by using the SMS 2.0 software distribution process.

Procedure Bullet  To modify Uinfo.xnf

  1. Click the Start menu, point to Programs, point to Microsoft BackOffice 4.5 Resource Kit, and then click SMS MIF Form Generator.

    The MIF Form Generator window opens, and by default, a new form opens.

  2. On the File menu, click Open.
  3. Type the path to the Uinfo.xnf file on the site server, and then click OK.

    The User Information form opens in the Form Generator dialog box.

  4. To modify the form name, description, or company, retype the text in the appropriate field.
  5. To modify an attribute, select the attribute and on the Edit menu, click Properties.
  6. In the attribute Item dialog box, modify the information as needed.
  7. Click OK.

For information about defining each type of attribute, see the next section.

Defining attributes

Forms can contain multiple items, or attributes. There are two types of attributes: string and integer.

A string can be any set of characters with a defined string length up of to 255 characters. An integer can be up to 32767 (because this is a short integer). The MIF Entry tool does not allow the user to enter more characters than the number defined for the attribute. You can also create a fixed list of string values from which users can select.

An integer can be any positive or negative integer value. Decimals, fractions, and numbers greater than 32767 should be entered as strings.

The following procedures explain how to define number, text, and list items in a form.

Procedure Bullet  To define a number (an integer attribute)

  1. Click the Start button, point to Programs, point to Microsoft BackOffice 4.5 Resource Kit, and then click SMS MIF Form Generator.
  2. In the MIF Form Generator window, click the position above where you want to add the number item.
  3. On the Edit menu, click New Field.
  4. In the New Field dialog box, under Field Type, select Number to add the integer attribute to the form.

    For more information, see “Creating Forms.”

  5. Click OK.

    In the Number Field dialog box, complete the following settings:

    The attribute name. In the SMS Administrator console, this name appears as the name of the attribute in the details pane of Resource Explorer. This text labels the attribute in the MIF Entry tool.
    The text that will appear at the bottom of the MIF Entry tool when the attribute is selected.

    For example, with this text, you can explain how to provide the information required for the attribute. This text is not written to the MIF file.

    The default integer value that will be used for this attribute.
    Read Only
    Select this check box to specify that the attribute is not displayed in the MIF Entry tool. However, the attribute is written to the MIF file, using the value that you specified in Default as the attribute value.
    Specify how the attribute is to be stored in the SMS site database.

    Click Common for values that can be shared between different instances of a group. Select Specific for values that are predominately unique for each instance of a group.

  6. Click OK.

Procedure Bullet  To define a text item (a string attribute)

  1. Click the Start button, point to Programs, point to Microsoft BackOffice 4.5 Resource Kit, and then click SMS MIF Form Generator.
  2. In the MIF Form Generator window, click the position above which you want to add the text item.
  3. On the Edit menu, click New Field.
  4. In the New Field dialog box, under Field Type, click Text to add the string attribute to the form.

    For more information, see “Creating Forms.”

  5. Click OK.

    In the Text Item dialog box, complete the following settings:

    The attribute name. In the SMS Administrator console, this name appears as the name of the attribute in the details pane of Resource Explorer. This text labels the attribute in the MIF Entry tool.
    The text that will appear at the bottom of the MIF Entry tool when the attribute is selected.

    For example, with this text, you can explain how to provide the required information for the attribute. This text is not written to the MIF file.

    The default text that will be used for this attribute.
    The maximum length of the text entered for this attribute. A string attribute can be up to 255 characters long.
    Read Only
    Select this check box to specify that the attribute is not displayed in the MIF Entry tool. However, the attribute is written to the MIF file, using the value that you specified in Default as the attribute value.
    Specify how the attribute is to be stored in the SMS site database.

    Common is used for values that can be shared between different instances of a group. Specific is used for values that are predominately unique for each instance of a group.

    For example, many clients might have an Employee Information group that has the same Division Name attribute. In this case, you should set Storage to Common in order to optimize SMS site database storage (a division name only needs to be stored once and can be referenced by the Employee Information groups of many clients).

    On the other hand, an attribute such as Asset ID Number will always be unique. In this case, you should set Storage to Specific.

  6. Click OK.

Procedure Bullet  To define a list item (a string attribute)

  1. Click the Start button, point to Programs, point to Microsoft BackOffice 4.5 Resource Kit, and then click SMS MIF Form Generator.
  2. In the MIF Form Generator window, click the position above where you want to add the text item.
  3. On the Edit menu, click New Field.
  4. In the New Field dialog box, under Field Type, click List to add the string attribute to the form.

    For more information, see “Creating Forms.”

  5. Click OK.

    In the List Field dialog box, complete the following settings:

    The attribute name. In the SMS Administrator console, this name appears as the name of the attribute in the details pane of Resource Explorer. This text labels the attribute in the MIF Entry tool.
    The text that will appear at the bottom of the MIF Entry tool when the attribute is selected.

    For example, with this text you can explain how to complete the information required for the attribute. This text is not written to the MIF file.

    The maximum length of the text entered for this attribute. A string attribute can be up to 255 characters long.
    Define the string values for the list:
    • To add values to the list, in List, type the text, and then click Add.
    • To delete values from the list, in List, select the value, and then click Remove.
    • To modify a value in the list, select the value you want to modify, and then click Remove. In List, modify the value, and then click Add to return the modified value to the list.

      The topmost value is the default selection in the MIF Entry tool.

    Specify how the attribute is to be stored in the SMS site database.

    Common is used for values that can be shared between different instances of a group. Specific is used for values that are predominately unique for each instance of a group.

    For example, many clients might have an Employee Information group that has the same Division Name attribute. In this case, you should set Storage to Common in order to optimize SMS site database storage (a division name only needs to be stored once and can be referenced by the Employee Information groups of many clients).

    On the other hand, an attribute such as Asset ID Number will always be unique. In this case, you should set Storage to Specific.

  6. Click OK.

Distributing Forms to Clients

Distributing forms to clients involves two tasks. First, the client computer needs to have access to the MIF Entry tool and its related files. You can install this tool on the clients, or users at the clients can run this tool from a server. Second, you must distribute the actual form file, (.xnf) to the clients. The following sections describe how to install the MIF Entry tool on clients and distribute form files to clients.

Installing the MIF Entry tool on clients

Before you can distribute forms to clients, you must first install the MIF Entry tool on those clients. You can create a software distribution package to install this tool automatically by using the SMS 2.0 software distribution process. You can then configure the package to have Advertised Programs Monitor run the tool automatically or you can use the Configure Client Desktop tool (SetStart.exe) or SMS Installer to create a link to the tool for the user to access later.

To install the MIF Entry tool on clients, you must have the following files:


In addition to these files, you can install any form files you have created (.xnf). You can also install the sample form file, Uinfo.xnf, for test purposes.

Distributing form files (.xnf)

You distribute form files to clients by creating a software distribution package for the forms and then using an advertisement to place the forms on the clients. You must include a command that installs the forms to %Windir%\MS\SMS\Bin. Optionally, you might want to send a command to clients that runs the MIF Entry tool with a specific form.

For example, you can place all your forms in a drive and directory (such as C:\Forms) and specify that directory as the source directory for a package.

After creating the software distribution package, you can install the forms on clients by creating an advertisement that runs the command line on each target client. After you install the forms on the clients, users can complete them by running the MIF Entry tool.

Using Forms at Clients

When a user at a client uses the MIF Entry tool to open a form, that user can enter the specific information for each field. When the user saves the form, the MIF Entry tool creates a MIF file for the group specified by the form.

The MIF file is placed in a directory specified for NOIDMIFs. You can find the path to this directory on the client within the registry in the following registry key: \HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SMS\Client \Configuration\Client Properties\NOIDMIF. For example, the MIF file might be placed in the following directory on the client: \\<client>\%Windir%\MS\SMS\Noidmifs.

The next time Inventory Agent runs on the client, it appends a copy of the MIF file to the normal inventory MIF file that it sends to the client’s SMS site server. The group defined by the MIF file is added to the inventory for the client.

Procedure Bullet  To complete a form at a client

  1. Start the MIF Entry tool.

    The MIF Entry dialog box opens.

  2. In the Form list, click the form that you want to complete.

    Tip   To open a specific form without having to first select it in the MIF Entry window, you can pass the filename of the form as a command-line option to Mifwin.exe. For example, you can open the Employ.xnf form automatically by typing mifwin employ.xnf in a Run command.

  3. Complete the settings in the form.

    If you are completing the form for the first time, the field for each attribute displays the default value. If the attribute is based on a list, a list appears with the default value selected. If you previously defined the value, the stored value appears.

  4. On the File menu, click Save.

    The MIF Entry tool saves the completed form as a file with the .sev extension and also creates a MIF file to use for reporting the entries to SMS.

    An .sev file saves all the entries for the form so that the user can reopen the form and modify the stored entries. The file name for the .sev file is the same as the form file name (for example, the entries for Employ.xnf are stored as Employ.sev).

    The MIF is saved as a file with a .mif extension. The file name for the MIF file is the same as the form file name (for example, the MIF file name for Employ.xnf is saved as Employ.mif).

Viewing Clients’ Forms

You can view the information reported by the MIF Entry form by opening Resource Explorer for that client in the SMS Administrator console. In addition, you can query the new classes and attributes that you create with the MIF file in the same way as any other architecture.