Add/Remove 1.2 Console Tool (V12Admin.ipf)

Use the Add/Remove 1.2 Console tool to add or remove the SMS 1.2 Administrator from a computer with the SMS 2.0 Administrator console installed. Note that having both consoles installed on one computer is useful when you are migrating clients from SMS 1.2 to SMS 2.0. For more information about using this tool, see “Using Add/Remove 1.2 Console.”

Note   This tool also requires SMS Installer.

Add/Remove 1.2 Console Runs On

Processors: i386; Alpha
Operating systems: Windows NT 4.0

Files Required for Add/Remove 1.2 Console


Using Add/Remove 1.2 Console

To install the SMS 1.2 Administrator console and the SMS 2.0 Administrator console on the same computer, you must first remove the SMS 1.2 console, then install the SMS 2.0 console, and then use this tool to reinstall the SMS 1.2 Administrator console.

To use the Add/Remove 1.2 Console tool, you will need the following:

Before using the Add/Remove 1.2 Console tool, perform the following tasks:

  1. Remove the SMS 1.2 Administrator from the computer.
  2. Install the SMS 2.0 Administrator console on the computer.

After you complete these tasks, perform the following tasks by using the Add/Remove 1.2 Console tool:

  1. Open SMS Installer.
  2. In SMS Installer, open the V12Admin.ipf file.
  3. Compile the .ipf file. SMS Installer will prompt you for specific information and then create an executable setup file that you can use to reinstall the SMS 1.2 Administrator console.
  4. Run the Installer-generated executable setup file.

When running the executable setup file, you can use the following command-line options:

Forces a removal of any SMS 1.2 Administrator components that remain on the computer before you reinstall the SMS 1.2 Administrator.
Runs the Setup program in silent, unattended mode.