In order to use Access 97 to obtain SMS data, you must install the WBEM ODBC driver (Wbemdr32.dll). This driver is used by Access to connect to the SMS Provider, and handles the conversion of data between Access and the SMS Provider. The WBEM ODBC driver is automatically installed by SMS 2.0 on the site server and on any site system on which you install the remote SMS Administrator console. To install the WBEM ODBC driver on a computer other than a remote console or site server computer, you must install the WBEM SDK.
You can install the WBEM SDK from either the SMS 2.0 CD or from the SMS_<site code> share on the primary site server. To install the WBEM SDK from the SMS 2.0 CD, run <drive>:\SMSsetup\bin\<platform>\Wbemsdk.exe, where <platform> is either Alpha or i386.
To install the WBEM SDK from the SMS_<site code> share, connect to the share and run <drive>:\SMS_<site code>\bin\<platform>\Wbemsdk.exe, where <platform> is either Alpha or i386.
To install the WBEM SDK
You can connect to the SMS Provider by using the Jet database engine and the WBEM ODBC driver, or you can bypass the Jet database engine itself and use the SQL pass-through method to compose and send SQL statements directly to the WBEM ODBC driver. The advantages to the latter method are increased performance, because your queries are then executed by the site database server rather than your computer and improved control over the SQL statement passed to the site database server (SQL Server 6.5 or 7.0).