The flowcharts in this troubleshooting section are a combination of both component flowcharts for server components and process flowcharts for different types of SMS processes. Each flowchart contains an introduction that includes:
Each flowchart identifies the components, files, decision points, and processes relative to each SMS component. The flowcharts include the following elements:
Table 16.1 Flowchart Elements
Symbol | Meaning |
SMS Component (the thread of SMS Executive that performs the actions described at this point in the flowchart). | |
Decision point. | |
Data stored to a database. | |
Process ends, writing data to a file. | |
Comment, tip, or additional information for a specific point in the flowchart. | |
Transfer to or from another page of the same flowchart or a different flowchart. | |
Network connectivity. | |
Heavy line that separates action taking place on different computers (site systems or clients). |
The directory paths in the flowcharts are shown from the perspective of an administrator using the computer that is currently designated in the flowchart. For example, if the activity being described takes place on an SMS Primary Site Server, all directories are listed as if you were using that computer. For example, the inbox directory for Replication Manager on the local computer is referenced as: SMS\Inboxes\
When the flowchart requires a connection to another computer, the directory is shown as a share on the other computer. For example, a connection from a site system to the site server Replication Manager inbox is referenced as: \\<ServerName>\SMS_<SiteCode>\Inboxes\