Inbox Manager: Client Access Point Processing

Inbox Manager processing on CAPs is illustrated in this flowchart. When an SMS administrator assigns a new role to an existing site system (for example, a new CAP), the changes made to the site control file serve as notification for Inbox Manager to create additional inboxes at the destination CAP server. Inbox Manager reads the notification information, connects to the destination server, and creates the appropriate inboxes.

This flowchart documents the process that takes place on a site server when an SMS administrator creates a new CAP site system.

Tracing Information

You can trace the activity described in this flowchart by studying the status messages for the server component listed in the table below. Or, you can enable the log file for this component. You can then study the log file and status messages associated with this component to trace the activity that is actually occurring on your SMS system and compare it to the activity described in the flowchart. For more information about viewing status messages and enabling logging, see “Status Messages Versus Logging” in Chapter 16, “Introducing the SMS 2.0 Flowcharts.”

Table 17.3 Status message Component and Log File for Inbox Manager: Client Access Point Processing

Server componentLog file
Inbox ManagerSMS\Logs\Inboxmgr.log

Troubleshooting Tips

If inboxes are not created on a new CAP server defined in the SMS Administrator console:

Inbox Manager: Client access point processing flowchart