To determine whether Inventory Data Loader successfully parsed the MIF files that were placed in the SMS\Inboxes\\Process directory, examine the \Badmifs directory. If there are a large number of recent files in \Badmifs, then the clients are generating bad MIF files, and Inventory Data Loader is busy trying to parse them.
To determine whether the clients that are sending the MIF files have been discovered by this site server and have been reported to the SMS site database, examine the \Orphans directory. Inventory Data Loader moves a MIF file to \Orphans if the client that sent the file is not yet in the SMS site database. Inventory Data Loader creates a DDR for Discovery Data Manager to process, so that the discovery data can be added to the SMS site database. If there are many files in \Orphans, Inventory Data Loader might be busy creating DDRs. Inventory Data Loader attempts to process MIF files in the \Orphans directory every 10 minutes.
If the Inventory Data Loader is unable to connect to the SMS site database server, it holds the MIF file in a queue and tries again after ten minutes. If there are many MIF files waiting to be processed, this queue can grow quickly.
The “Maximum MIF Size” can be increased by editing the registry on the site server. The registry key is \HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\
Microsoft\SMS\Components\SMS_Inventory_Dataloader\Max MIF Size.