If the local software metering server has no free licenses, it will assign a callback to the client if the client requests callbacks. If the client does not request the callback option then callbacks will not be attempted.
Full policy requires a specific version of an application. For example, if version 3.0 is specified, then only clients using version 3.0, and not those using 3.01 or other versions, will use a license under the policy.
Partial policy requires a range of versions to monitor. For example, if version 2.1 is specified, then a client using version 2.11 or 2.12 will use a license, but a client using 2.2 will not.
The initial trend calculation for each product takes seven days, and a complete trend calculation takes 30 days. Software license limits will not be enforced until the initial trend has been calculated, unless the Do not enforce license limits for this product until a trend has been calculated checkbox in the Software Metering Properties dialog box in the SMS Administrator console is cleared.
The Granted callback grace period, the Callback polling interval, and the Callback request duration are all set on a site-wide basis. To set these intervals, in the SMS Administrator console, navigate to Client Agents.
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Client Agents
In the details pane, right-click Software Metering Client Agent and click Properties. Click the Timings tab to set these intervals.