Status Message

SMS 2.0 status messages can be generated by both server and client components. The method SMS uses to process status messages is dependent on which type of component is reporting each message. There are two types of SMS server components:

Service components
SMS programs that run as Windows NT Services. These services can be started and stopped through the Services icon of Windows NT 4.0 Control Panel.
Thread components
SMS programs that run as threads of the SMS Executive service component. A thread component can be started and stopped through the SMS Service Manager in the SMS Administrator console.

For a complete listing of which SMS components are service components and which are thread components, see Appendix C, “SMS Component Definitions,” in the SMS 2.0 Administrator’s Guide.

The Status Message flowcharts for server components are organized by the components that generate the status messages, as follows:

For information about how status messages are processed by Status Manager on the site server, see Figure 23.4, “Status Manager”, later in this chapter. For information about the status messages generated by client components, see Figure 25.9, “Status Message: Client Component”, in Chapter 25, “Client Features Flowcharts.”