Tracing Information

You can trace the activity described in this flowchart by studying the status messages and optional log files for the server components and the automatically-generated log files for client agents listed in the following tables.

For server components, you can view status messages, or you can enable the log file. You can then study the log file and status messages associated with these components to trace the activity that is actually occurring on your SMS system and compare it to the activity described in the flowchart. For more information about how to access status messages for a specific component and how to enable logging, see “Status Messages Versus Logging” in Chapter 16, “Introducing the SMS 2.0 Flowcharts.”

Table 24.9 Status Message Component and Log File at the Site Server forNetWare NDS Client Logon Discovery and Installation: 32-Bit Client

Server componentLog file
NetWare NDS Logon InstallationSMS\Logs\Nd_logon.log

SMS automatically generates log files for processes that occur on SMS clients. You can examine the client log files to identify the problems occurring on clients.

Table 24.10 Client Log Files for NetWare NDS Client Logon Discovery andInstallation: 32-Bit Client

Client componentsLog files
SMS Boot1 or Boot32ND process%Windir%\MS\SMS\Logs\Nd_logon.log
SMS Client Service%Windir%\MS\SMS\Logs\Clisvc.log
Launch32 process%Windir%\MS\SMS\Logs\Launch32.log
Core Client Installation process%Windir%\MS\SMS\Logs\Clicore.log
Client Component Installation Manager%Windir%\MS\SMS\Logs\Ccim32.log

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