File Names

This section lists SMS file names in separate tables for each of the following file extensions, and it includes a table of files with miscellaneous extensions:

Table A.2 SMS .cpl Files

FileUsed byDescription
Smscfg.cplWindows 32-bit clientsThe program in Control Panel.
Smscpl32.cplWindows 32-bit clientsAPA and the Advertised Programs Monitor program in Control Panel.
Smsrc.cplWindows 32-bit clientsRemote Tools program in Control Panel.

Table A.3 SMS Dynamic-Link Library (.dll) Files

FileUsed byDescription
_Osw32rc.dllWindows 32-bit clientsResource file for operating system setup wrapper programs
_Statvw.dllSite systemsStatus Message Viewer.
11c.dllNetwork MonitorParsers.
12tp.dllNetwork MonitorL2TP parser.
Abc32acc.dllSite systemsSoftware metering.
Abccl32.dllSite systemsSoftware metering.
Abcoff32.dllSite systemsSoftware metering.
Abcpip32.dllSite systemsSoftware metering.
Abcpipes.dllSite systemsSoftware metering.
Abcstb32.dllSite systemsSoftware metering.
Abnwcli.dllWindows 32-bit clientsBase library.
Abnwsvr.dllSite systemsBase library.
Ad_adm.dllSite systemsNetwork Discovery address discovery.
Ad_cntrl.dllSite systemsNetwork Discovery controller.
Ad_sim.dllSite systemsNetwork Discovery SNMP.
Ad_utils.dllSite systemsNetwork Discovery.
Admsures.dllSite SystemsResource DLL for Admsetup.ocx.
Atalk.dllNetwork MonitorParsers.
Atmarp.dllNetwork MonitorATMARP parser.
Atui.dllSite systemsSoftware metering graphical user interface (GUI).
Atuirc.dllSite systemsSoftware metering GUI.
Baseobj.dllSite systemsSite server base library.
Baserc.dllSite systemsSite server base library.
Basesql.dllSite systemsSite server base library.
Basesvr.dllSite systemsSite server base library.
Baseutil.dllSite systemsSite server base library.
BhsuppNetwork MonitorCompatibility with Network Monitor 1.2.
Bindcli9.dllWindows 32-bit clientsBase library for Windows 95\Windows 98 bindery clients.
Bindclin.dllWindows 32-bit clientsBase library for Windows NT bindery clients.
Bindsvrn.dllSite systemsBase library for NetWare bindery.
Bone.dllNetwork MonitorBone parser.
Browser.dllNetwork MonitorBrowser parser.
Ccim32.dllWindows 32-bit clientsClient Component Installation Manager.
Ccm.dllWindows 32-bit clientsClient Configuration Manager.
Chk20409.dllSite systemsSoftware metering.
Cidm.dllSite systemsClient Installation Data Manager.
Cimommc.dllSMS Admin. consoleCIM Object Manager.
Cimwin32.dllSMS Admin. consoleCIM Object Manager.
Cli20409.dllSite systemsSoftware metering.
CliBase.dllWindows 32-bit clientsBase library.
Cliex16.dllWindows 16-bit clientsBase library.
Cliex32.dllWindows 32-bit clientsBase library.
Clilog.dllWindows 32-bit clientsBase library.
Climsgs.dllWindows 32-bit clientsStatus message display strings.
Clsc.dllNetwork MonitorCLSC parser.
Cmprov.dllSite systemsComponent Poll Provider.
Coalesce.dllNetwork MonitorProtocol Coalesce expert.
Colleval.dllSite systemsCollection Evaluator.
Compsumm.dllSite systemsComponent Status Summarizer.
Connmgrps.dllHealth MonitorManager proxy stub.
Connras.dllSite systemsRAS Sender connection.
Cpprov.dllSite systemsSMS Component Poll Provider.
Cqmgr32.dllWindows 32-bit clientsCopy Queue Manager.
Cscnfsvc.dllSite systemsCourier Sender Configuration service.
Dataldr.dllSite systemsInventory Data Loader.
Ddm.dllSite systemsDiscovery Data Manager.
Despool.dllSite systemsDespooler.
Dhcpsrv.dllNetwork MonitorR_DHCPSRV parser.
Discv_nd.dllSite systemsDiscovery Provider for NetWare NDS clients.
Discv16.dllSite systemsDiscovery Provider for 16-bit clients.
Distmgr.dllSite systemsDistribution Manager.
Drs.dllNetwork MonitorR_DRSUAPI parser.
Eventq.dllNetwork MonitorMonitors events generated by the monitors.
Extnprov.dllSite systemsSMS Provider for Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI).
Falcli.dllWindows 32-bit clientsBase library.
Falsvr.dllSite systemsBase library.
Fastprox.dllWMI coreClient proxy communication with CIM Object Manager.
Frame.dllNetwork MonitorFrame parser.
Framedyn.dllWMI coreFramework base library.
Healthmon.dllHealth MonitorMicrosoft Management Console (MMC) snap-in.
Hexedit.dllNetwork MonitorFrame data view in the Hex pane of the Network Monitor GUI.
Hlpboxrc.dllSite systemsSoftware metering.
Hmagent.dllHealth MonitorWMI Provider.
Hman.dllSite systemsHierarchy Manager.
Hmres.dllHealth MonitorResource DLL for the agent and console.
Icmprd.dllNetwork MonitorICMP Redirect Monitor.
Ignprdrc.dllSite systemsSoftware metering Excluded Programs dialog box.
Ignprod.dllSite systemsSoftware metering Excluded Programs dialog box.
Inboxast.dllSite systemsInbox Manager Assistant.
Inboxmgr.dllSite systemsInbox Manager.
Inet.dllNetwork MonitorR_INTERNETSERVE parser.
Invproc.dllSite systemsInventory Processor.
Iprange.dllNetwork MonitorIP Range Monitor.
Iprtr.dllNetwork MonitorIP Router Monitor.
Ipx.dllNetwork MonitorNetwork protocol parsers.
Ipxrtr.dllNetwork MonitorIPX Router Monitor.
Ismif16.dllWindows 16-bit clientsInstallation status MIF file.
Ismif32.dllWindows 32-bit clientsInstallation status MIF file.
Langid.dllSite systemsSoftware metering language identifier (ID).
Ldap.dllNetwork MonitorLDAP parser.
Ldftrans.dllSite systemsRemote Tools protocol mixing.
Ldwmnt.dllSite systemsRemote Tools “core” focal point.
Liccfgrc.dllSite systemsSoftware metering configuration library.
Licgphrc.dllSite systemsSoftware metering graph/report resource library.
Licgphwz.dllSite systemsSoftware metering Graph Wizard and Report Wizard.
Liclogon.dllSite systemsSoftware metering.
Liclogrc.dllSite systemsSoftware metering.
Licreprc.dllSite systemsSoftware metering.
Licrepwz.dllSite systemsSoftware metering.
Licsrvc.dllSite systemsSoftware metering.
Licsvcfg.dllSite systemsSoftware metering.
Lictlsrc.dllSite systemsSoftware metering.
Listmaint.dllSite systemsSoftware metering.
Logon.dllNetwork MonitorR_LOGON parser.
Lsarpc.dllNetwork MonitorR_LSARPC parser.
Lstmtres.dllSite systemsSoftware metering resource management.
Mac.dllNetwork MonitorNetwork type parsers.
Macpath.dllSite systemsMAC Path Manager.
Mcsvcps.dllNetwork MonitorMCT communication proxy.
Mlaunch.dllWindows 32-bit clientsInstalls base components.
Mmcbasui.dllSMS Admin. consoleBase library.
Mmcbsuir.dllSMS Admin. consoleBase library resource.
Mmcpgres.dllSMS Admin. consoleShared property page resource.
Mofd.dllWMI coreResource library for MOF compiler.
Monitors.dllNetwork MonitorContains APIs for monitors.
Mslmcli9.dllWindows 32-bit clientsBase library.
Mslmclin.dllWindows 32-bit clientsBase library.
Mslmsvrn.dllSite systemsBase library.
Msrpc.dllNetwork MonitorMSRPC and SSP parsers.
Multprot.dllSite systemsRemote Tools multiprotocol passthrough.
Nal2unc.dllSite systemsNAL to UNC conversion for 16-bit clients.
Nalapi32.dllSite systemsNAL base library.
Nalcli.dllWindows 32-bit clientsNAL base library.
Nalsvr.dllSite systemsBase library.
Ncp.dllNetwork MonitorNCP parser.
Nd_Logon.dllSite systemsNDS Logon Server Manager.
Ndisnpp.dllNetwork MonitorCOM object.
Ndlgdscm.dllSite systemsNDS Logon Discovery Manager.
Ndlginst.dllSite systemsNDS Logon Installation Manager.
Ndscli9.dllWindows 32-bit clientsBase library for Windows 95 and Windows 98 NDS clients.
Ndsclin.dllWindows 32-bit clientsBase library for Windows NT NDS clients.
Ndssvrn.dllSite systemsBase library.
Netbios.dllNetwork MonitorNetBIOS parser.
Netdisc.dllSite systemsNetwork Discovery.
Netlogon.dllNetwork MonitorNetwork logon parser.
Nmapi.dllNetwork MonitorAPIs for Network Monitor.
Nmperf.dllNetwork MonitorPerformance Monitor Network Segment counters.
Nmsupp.dllNetwork MonitorAPIs used by newer parsers.
Nntp.dllNetwork MonitorNNTP and SMTP parsers.
Npptools.dllNetwork MonitorNPP finder.
Nspi.dllNetwork MonitorR_NSPI parser.
Nt_logon.dllSite systemsWindows NT Logon Server Manager.
Nt_net.dllSite systemsWindows NT Logon Server Manager support.
Nt_push.dllSite systemsWindows NT Remote Client Installation.
Ntcrypto.dllSite systemsWindows NT encryption library.
Ntevt.dllWMI coreWindows NT Event Provider base library.
Ntlgdscm.dllSite systemsWindows NT Logon Discovery Manager.
Ntlginst.dllSite systemsWindows NT Logon Installation Manager.
Ntsvrdis.dllSite systemsWindows NT Server Discovery.
Ntug_dis.dllSite systemsWindows NT User Group Discovery.
Ntusrdis.dllSite systemsWindows NT User Discovery.
Nvnd_net.dllSite systemsNetWare NDS Logon Server Manager.
Nvnw_net.dllSite systemsNetWare Bindery Logon Server Manager.
Nvnwnets.dllSite systemsResource DLL.
Nw_logon.dllSite systemsNetWare Logon Server Manager.
Nwlgdscm.dllSite systemsNetWare Logon Discovery Manager.
Nwlginst.dllSite systemsNetWare Logon Installation Manager.
Nwsvrdis.dllSite systemsNetWare Server Discovery Manager.
Offermgr.dllSite systemsOffer Manager.
Offersum.dllSite systemsOffer Status Summarizer.
Parser.dllNetwork MonitorAPIs for parsers.
Pem32.dllWindows 32-bit clientsProgram Execution Manager.
Pgbasres.dllSite systemsSoftware metering.
Pipcap32.dllWindows 32-bit clientsProgram information provider for CAP data.
Pollprov.dllSite systemsPing Poll Provider.
Ppp.dllNetwork MonitorProtocol parsers.
Prdpgrc.dllSite systemsSoftware metering product group resource.
Pro20409.dllSite systemsSoftware metering.
Proddbrs.dllSite systemsSoftware metering product database resource.
Productdb.dllSite systemsSoftware metering.
Progrm32.dllWindows 32-bit clientsAPA program class.
Propdist.dllNetwork MonitorProtocol Distribution expert.
Protdist.dllNetwork MonitorProtocol Distribution expert.
Psnppagn.dllNetwork MonitorProxy used for Remote Control on both the client and the server.
Regfile.dllWindows 16-bit clientsClient registry.
Regpages.dllSite systemsSoftware metering.
Regread.dllSite systemsSoftware metering.
Remauto.dllNetwork MonitorR_REMOTEAUTO parser.
Replmgr.dllSite systemsReplication Manager.
Resptime.dllNetwork MonitorAverage Server Response Time expert.
Rmtnpp.dllNetwork MonitorLocal to remote computer connection.
Roguemon.dllNetwork MonitorRogue DHCP and WINS monitor.
Rsvp.dllNetwork MonitorRSVP parser.
Rtpparsr.dllNetwork MonitorRTTP and RTCP parsers.
Rxds.dllNetwork MonitorR_RXDS parser.
Sched.dllSite systemsScheduler.
Secmon.dllNetwork MonitorSecurity Monitor.
Sender.dllSite systemsSenders.
Shellrc.dllSite systemsSoftware metering.
Sinvproc.dllSite systemsSoftware Inventory Processor.
Sitectrl.dllSite systemsSite Control Manager.
Sitestat.dllSite systemsSite System Status Summarizer.
Slbs.dllNetwork MonitorList boxes.
Smb.dllNetwork MonitorSMB parser.
Smierrsm.dllWBEM SNMPMIB compiler.
Smierrsy.dllWBEM SNMPMIB compiler.
Smimsgif.dllWBEM SNMPMIB compiler.
Sms_dssw.dllSMS Admin. consoleDelete Secondary Site Wizard.
Sms_hmmc.dllSMS Admin. consoleBase library.
Sms_lste.dllSMS Admin. consoleBase library.
Sms_madc.dllSMS Admin. consoleNew Collection Link menu.
Sms_madv.dllSMS Admin. consoleSoftware Distribution Wizard.
Sms_mcol.dllSMS Admin. consoleCollection Resource menus.
Sms_mdef.dllSMS Admin. consolePackage from Definition Wizard.
Sms_mdpt.dllSMS Admin. consoleManage Distribution Points Wizard.
Sms_mlog.dllSMS Admin. consoleDatabase Connection Wizard.
Sms_mntr.dllSMS Admin. consoleNetwork Trace menu.
Sms_mqry.dllSMS Admin. consoleQuery menus.
Sms_msit.dllSMS Admin. consoleCreate Secondary Site Wizard.
Sms_mupc.dllSMS Admin. consoleUpdate Collection Membership menu.
Sms_muss.dllSMS Admin. consoleUpdate Secondary Sites Wizard.
Sms_my2k.dllSMS Admin. consoleProduct Compliance menus.
Sms_nbas.dllSMS Admin. consoleFramework library.
Sms_ncol.dllSMS Admin. consoleCollections item.
Sms_ndpw.dllSMS Admin. consoleNew Distribution Point Wizard.
Sms_nmgr.dllSMS Admin. consoleFramework library.
Sms_nofr.dllSMS Admin. consoleAdvertisement item.
Sms_npkg.dllSMS Admin. consolePackages item.
Sms_nqry.dllSMS Admin. consoleQueries item.
Sms_nsec.dllSMS Admin. consoleSecurity Rights item.
Sms_nsst.dllSMS Admin. consoleStatus item.
Sms_nste.dllSMS Admin. consoleSites item.
Sms_ntls.dllSMS Admin. consoleTools item.
Sms_nwbm.dllSMS Admin. consoleFramework library.
Sms_nxpl.dllSMS Admin. consoleResource Explorer.
Sms_ny2k.dllSMS Admin. consoleProduct Compliance item.
Sms_paar.dllSMS Admin. consoleAsynchronous RAS address properties.
Sms_pacb.dllSMS Admin. consoleNetWare Bindery Client Connection account properties.
Sms_pacd.dllSMS Admin. consoleNetWare NDS Client Connection account properties.
Sms_pacm.dllSMS Admin. consoleCommon address properties.
Sms_paco.dllSMS Admin. consoleCourier Sender address properties.
Sms_pact.dllSMS Admin. consoleWindows NT Client Connection account properties.
Sms_pads.dllSMS Admin. consoleAdvertisement properties.
Sms_padv.dllSMS Admin. consoleAdvertisement properties.
Sms_pais.dllSMS Admin. consoleISDN RAS Sender address properties.
Sms_paln.dllSMS Admin. consoleStandard Sender address properties.
Sms_papb.dllSMS Admin. consoleNetWare Bindery Package Access account properties.
Sms_papd.dllSMS Admin. consoleNetWare NDS Package Access account properties.
Sms_papg.dllSMS Admin. consoleGeneric Package Access account properties.
Sms_papm.dllSMS Admin. consoleAdvertised Programs Client Agent properties.
Sms_papt.dllSMS Admin. consoleWindows NT Package Access account properties.
Sms_pasb.dllSMS Admin. consoleNetWare Bindery Server Connection account properties.
Sms_pasd.dllSMS Admin. consoleNetWare NDS Server Connection account properties.
Sms_pasn.dllSMS Admin. consoleSNA RAS Sender address properties.
Sms_past.dllSMS Admin. consoleWindows NT Server Connection account properties.
Sms_pax2.dllSMS Admin. consoleX25 RAS Sender address properties.
Sms_pcap.dllSMS Admin. consoleSite system CAP properties.
Sms_pcol.dllSMS Admin. consoleCollection properties.
Sms_pdis.dllSMS Admin. consoleSite system distribution point properties.
Sms_pdpp.dllSMS Admin. consolePackage distribution point properties.
Sms_pdps.dllSMS Admin. consoleData processing and storage properties.
Sms_pett.dllSMS Admin. consoleEvent to Trap Translator Client Agent properties.
Sms_phbt.dllSMS Admin. consoleHeartbeat Discovery properties.
Sms_phwi.dllSMS Admin. consoleHardware inventory properties.
Sms_pkgs.dllSMS Admin. consolePackages properties.
Sms_pmst.dllSMS Admin. consoleSite system software metering properties.
Sms_pnbc.dllSMS Admin. consoleNetWare Bindery Logon Client Installation properties.
Sms_pnbd.dllSMS Admin. consoleNetWare Bindery Logon Discovery properties.
Sms_pnbv.dllSMS Admin. consoleSite system NetWare bindery volume properties.
Sms_pndc.dllSMS Admin. consoleNetWare NDS Logon Client Installation properties.
Sms_pndd.dllSMS Admin. consoleNetWare NDS Logon Discovery properties.
Sms_pnds.dllSMS Admin. consoleSite system NetWare NDS volume properties.
Sms_pnet.dllSMS Admin. consoleNetwork Discovery properties.
Sms_pnlc.dllSMS Admin. consoleWindows Networking Logon Client Installation properties.
Sms_pnld.dllSMS Admin. consoleWindows Networking Logon Discovery properties.
Sms_pnpc.dllSMS Admin. consoleWindows NT Remote Client Installation properties.
Sms_ppkg.dllSMS Admin. consolePackage properties.
Sms_pprg.dllSMS Admin. consoleProgram properties.
Sms_pqry.dllSMS Admin. consoleQuery properties.
Sms_prem.dllSMS Admin. consoleRemote Tools Client Agent properties.
Sms_pres.dllSMS Admin. consoleCollection resource properties.
Sms_prol.dllSMS Admin. consoleSite system role properties.
Sms_psar.dllSMS Admin. consoleAsynchronous RAS Sender properties.
Sms_psat.dllSMS Admin. consoleLAN Sender properties.
Sms_psco.dllSMS Admin. consoleCourier Sender properties.
Sms_psct.dllSMS Admin. consoleSingle status properties.
Sms_psec.dllSMS Admin. consoleSecurity Rights tab properties.
Sms_pser.dllSMS Admin. consoleSite system Windows NT server properties.
Sms_psha.dllSMS Admin. consoleSite system Windows NT share properties.
Sms_pshi.dllSMS Admin. consoleSite properties.
Sms_psis.dllSMS Admin. consoleISDN RAS Sender properties.
Sms_psln.dllSMS Admin. consoleStandard Sender properties.
Sms_psmc.dllSMS Admin. consoleSoftware Metering Client Agent properties.
Sms_psqc.dllSMS Admin. consoleSQL command properties.
Sms_psrc.dllSMS Admin. consoleStatus reporting properties.
Sms_psrt.dllSMS Admin. consoleSecurity right properties.
Sms_pssn.dllSMS Admin. consoleSNA RAS Sender properties.
Sms_psss.dllSMS Admin. consoleStatus summarizer properties.
Sms_psst.dllSMS Admin. consoleSingle site system status properties.
Sms_pste.dllSMS Admin. consoleSite properties.
Sms_pstf.dllSMS Admin. consoleStatus filter properties.
Sms_psvw.dllSMS Admin. consoleStatus message query properties.
Sms_pswd.dllSMS Admin. consoleSoftware distribution properties.
Sms_pswi.dllSMS Admin. consoleSoftware inventory properties.
Sms_pswm.dllSMS Admin. consoleSoftware metering properties.
Sms_psx2.dllSMS Admin. consoleX25 RAS Sender properties.
Sms_psys.dllSMS Admin. consoleSystem status properties.
Sms_ptsk.dllSMS Admin. consoleDatabase tasks properties.
Sms_puad.dllSMS Admin. consoleWindows Networking User Account Discovery.
Sms_pugd.dllSMS Admin. consoleWindows Networking User Group Discovery.
Sms_py2k.dllSMS Admin. consoleProduct compliance properties.
Sms_res1.dllSMS Admin. consoleShared resource.
Sms_rmgr.dllSMS Admin. consoleFramework resource.
Sms_root.dllSMS Admin. consoleSystems Management Server item.
Sms_rwbm.dllSMS Admin. consoleFramework resource.
Sms_rxpl.dllSMS Admin. consoleInventory resource.
Sms_wdc.dllSMS Admin. consoleDelete Collection Wizard.
Sms_wdpk.dllSMS Admin. consoleDelete Package Wizard.
Sms_wdpr.dllSMS Admin. consoleDelete Program Wizard.
Sms1x.dllSite systemsBase library.
Smsclreg.dllWindows 32-bit clientsBase library.
Smsdiscv.dllWindows 32-bit clientsBase library.
Smsgdd.dllSMS Admin. consoleNetwork Trace layout.
Smslink.dllWindows 16-bit clients16-bit core components.
Smsnl16.dllWindows 16-bit clients16-bit core components.
Smsnlinf.dllWindows 16-bit clients16-bit core components.
Smsperf.dllSite systemsSMS Performance Monitor counters.
Smsprov.dllSite systemsSMS Provider for WMI.
Smsunzip.dllSite systemsDecompression tool.
Smsxp.dllSite systemsSQL Server version 6.5 extended stored procedure.
Smsxp70.dllSite systemsSQL Server version 7.0 extended stored procedure.
Smszip.dllSite systemsCompression tool.
Sna.dllNetwork MonitorSNA parser.
Snmp.dllNetwork MonitorSNMP parser.
Snmpcl.dllWMI coreSNMP Agent support file.
Snmpelea.dllWindows 32-bit clientsEvent to Trap Translator service.
Snmpincl.dllWMI coreSNMP Agent support file.
Snmpsmir.dllWMI coreSNMP Agent support file.
Snmpthrd.dllWMI coreSNMP Agent support file.
Srvmsgs.dllSite systemsStatus message display strings.
Srvrrc.dllSite serverServer components display strings.
Srvsvc.dllNetwork MonitorR_SRVSVC parser.
Statmgr.dllSite systemsStatus Manager.
Stdprov.dllWMI coreBase library.
Sviewdll.dllSite systemsStatus Message Viewer.
Svrops.dllSite systemsNAL server operations.
Synattack.dllNetwork MonitorSyn-Attack Monitor.
Tcpip.dllNetwork MonitorProtocol parsers.
Tcpip6.dllNetwork MonitorIP6 and ICMP6 parsers.
Tcpipe.dllNetwork MonitorTCP Retransmit expert.
Tds.dllNetwork MonitorTDS parser.
Toolbxrc.dllToolsSMS Tracer base library.
Topuser.dllNetwork MonitorTop User expert.
Tracer.dllToolsSMS Trace.
Trail.dllNetwork MonitorMiscellaneous parsers.
U2llibra.dllSite systemsSoftware metering.
Uitlres.dllSite systemsSoftware metering.
Uitlures.dllSMS Admin. consoleBase library resource.
Uitools.dllSite systemsSoftware metering.
Uitoolsu.dllSMS Admin. consoleBase library.
Uni31.dllNetwork MonitorUNI31 parser.
Urlfiltr.dllSite systemsSoftware metering GUI.
Viewer.dllNetwork MonitorAPIs for viewing expert and monitor events.
Vines.dllNetwork MonitorBanyan VINES parsers.
Wbemcomn.dllWMI coreBase library.
Wbemcore.dllWMI coreBase library.
Wbemdmip.dllWMI coreBase library for WMI DMI Provider.
Wbemdr32.dllWMI coreBase library for WMI DMI Provider.
Wbemess.dllWMI coreBase library.
Wbemprox.dllWMI coreBase library.
Wbemsetup.dllWMI coreInstall library.
Wbemsvc.dllWMI coreBase library.
Winsadmn.dllNetwork MonitorR_WINSIF parser.
Winspl.dllNetwork MonitorR_WINSPOOL parser.
Wsnmp32.dllWMI coreBase library for WMI SNMP Provider.
Xns.dllNetwork MonitorXNS parser.

Table A.4 SMS .exe Files

FileUsed byDescription
Advinfo.exeMicrosoft BackOffice 4.5 Resource Kit (hereinafter referred to as “Resource Kit”)Displays advertisement information.
Apasetup.exeWindows 32-bit clientsAdvertised Programs Client Agent setup on CAP.
Apaunins.exeWindows 32-bit clientsAdvertised Programs Client Agent remover.
APMSpy.exeResource KitDisplays Advertised Program Manager data.
Boot16wn.exeWindows 16-bit clientsClient Bootstrap.
Boot32nd.exeNetWare NDS clientsClient Bootstrap.
Boot32nw.exeNetWare bindery clientsClient Bootstrap.
Boot32wn.exeWindows 32-bit clientsClient Bootstrap.
Bootstrp.exeSMS Admin. consoleSecondary Site Bootstrap service (SMS_BOOTSTRAP).
Ccmboot.exeWindows 32-bit clientsClient Configuration Manager Bootstrap.
Ccmbtldr.exeWindows 32-bit clientsClient Configuration Manager Bootstrap Loader.
Check32.exeSite systemsSoftware metering.
Chgsite.exeResource KitSMS 1.2 parent site changer.
Chksnmp.exeWindows 32-bit clientsSNMP Agent installation verifier.
Cimom.exeSMS Admin. consoleCommon Information Model Manager.
Clicor16.exeWindows 16-bit clientsCore client file.
Clicore.exeWindows 32-bit clientsCore client file.
CliStage.exeResource KitClient preloader.
Clisvc95.exeWindows 32-bit clientsClient service (Windows 95 and Windows 98).
Clisvcl.exeWindows 32-bit clientsClient service (Windows NT).
Cliutils.exeResource KitClient Utilities tool.
Compmgr.exeSMS Admin. consoleSMS Manager.
Connmgr.exeHealth MonitorConsole to WMI connector.
Conv20.exeSite systemsSMS 1.x to 2.0 database conversion tool.
Coursend.exeSite systemsCourier Sender.
Dbcnv12.exeSite systemsDatabase upgrade tool for SMS 1.x Setup.
Dbcnv12a.exeSite systemsDatabase upgrade tool for SMS 1.x Setup.
Dbcnv479.exeSite systemsDatabase upgrade tool for SMS 1.x Setup.
Dbcnv619.exeSite systemsDatabase upgrade tool for SMS 1.x Setup.
Dbcnv656.exeSite systemsDatabase upgrade tool for SMS 1.x Setup.
DeletPDF.exeResource KitPDF deleter.
DelGrp.exeResource KitGroup class deleter.
Discdump.exeResource KitDiscovery data reader.
Dumpsend.exeResource KitScheduler send request file reader.
Error32.exeResource KitError code to string translator (Win 32).
Eventcmt.exeSite systemsSNMP Event to Trap Translator.
Eventrap.exeSite systemsSNMP Event to Trap Translator.
Hinv32.exeWindows 32-bit clientsHardware Inventory Agent.
Hmclean.exeHealth MonitorWMI cleaner.
Inodbcsv.exeSite systemsSoftware Metering Install ODBC service.
Instdrvr.exeNetwork MonitorNetwork Monitor protocol installer.
InvSync.exeResource KitInventory synchronizer.
Launch16.exeWindows 16-bit clientsClient launcher.
Licadmin.exeSite systemsSoftware Metering console.
Liccli95.exeSite systemsSoftware Metering Windows 95 and Windows 98 Agent.
Localsvr.exeResource KitSpecifies preferred servers for clients.
LogSpan.exeResource KitLog file activity checker.
Licclint.exeSite systemsSoftware Metering Windows NT Agent.
Makecoll.exeResource KitCreates collections from text files.
MakeDist.exeResource KitDistribution point creator.
MakeDPG.exeResource KitDistribution point group creator.
Mcsui.exeNetwork MonitorMonitor Control Tool application.
Mcsvc.exeNetwork MonitorMonitor Control service.
MIFcheck.exeResource KitMIF file syntax checker.
MIFgen.exeResource KitMIF Form Generator tool.
MIFwin.exeResource KitMIF entry generator.
Mnlaunch.exeWindows 16-bit clientsInstalls base components.
Mofcomp.exeWindows 32-bit clientsWMI MOF compiler.
MofMan.exeResource KitMOF Manager.
Multinic.exeResource KitSets client network interface cards (NICs).
Nalinst.exeSite systemsInstalls and removes NAL .dll files.
NDiscLdr.exeResource KitLoads Network Discovery resources from a text file.
Ndlg_Rem.exeSite systemsNDS Logon Server Manager remover.
NetBoot.exeResource KitCreates a NetBoot floppy disk.
Netmon.exeNetwork MonitorNetwork Monitor application.
Nettx.exeSMS Admin. consoleNetwork Trace application.
Newuid.exeResource KitSet a new unique user ID.
Nlsmsg32.exeWindows 32-bit clientsClient messages library.
Npagent.exeNetwork MonitorNeeded on the remote computer.
Ntencap.exeWindows 32-bit clientsWrapper for Windows NT operating system upgrade (x86).
Ntencapa.exeWindows 32-bit clientsWrapper for Windows NT operating system upgrade (x86).
Ntlg_rem.exeSite systemsWindows NT Logon Server Manager remover.
Ntlgdsca.exeSite systemsWindows NT Logon Discovery Agent.
Nwlg_rem.exeSite systemsNetWare Logon Server Manager remover.
Odpsys32.exeWindows 32-bit clientsOffer Data Provider, System (Windows NT).
Odpusr32.exeWindows 32-bit clientsOffer Data Provider, User and Group (Windows NT).
Odpwin9x.exeWindows 32-bit clientsOffer Data Provider, System, User and Group (Windows 95 and Windows 98).
Pea32.exeWindows 32-bit clientsProgram Execution Agent.
Pdfwiz.exeResource KitPDF Wizard.
PrefServ.exeResource KitSet Preferred Distribution Point and CAP tool.
Preinst.exeResource KitSite Utilities tool.
Prof32.exeResource KitQuery backup and restore.
Pview95.exeResource KitProcess viewer.
QryEdit.exeWindows 16-bit clientsQuery editor.
Rcclic16.exeWindows 16-bit clientsSecurity Munger (reconciler) for Remote Tools.
Rcclicfg.exeWindows 32-bit clientsSecurity Munger (reconciler) for Remote Tools.
RCCliopt.exeResource KitClient default protocol setter.
Rcsvcs.exeRemote ControlInstalls and removes NT Service Control Manager and the SMS Launcher functions.
ReadSche.exeResource KitSchedule reader.
Remodbc.exeSite systemsSoftware Metering Server service.
Remote.exeSMS Admin. consoleRemote Tools application.
SchedCnv.exeResource KitSchedule converter.
Sdkinst.exeSite systemsSDK Provider Installation service.
SetEvnt.exeResource KitSet Client Event tool.
SetSMSsvr.exeResource KitSpecifies preferred servers for clients.
SetStart.exeResource KitClient Start menu configurer.
Setup.exeSite systemsSMS 2.0 Setup executable file.
Setup95.exeSite systemsSoftware Metering Windows 95 and Windows 98 Client Agent installation.
Setupnt.exeSite systemsSoftware Metering Windows NT Client Agent installation.
Sinv32.exeWindows 32-bit clientsSoftware Inventory Agent.
SinvView.exeResource KitSoftware inventory viewer.
SiteBndy.exeResource KitLoads site boundaries from a text file.
Sitecomp.exeSite systemsSite Manager service.
Slwnt32.exeSite systemsSlow network detection (x86).
Slwnt32a.exeSite systemsSlow network detection (Alpha).
Smi2smir.exeWMI SDKConverts SNMP SMI into CIM Object Manager data.
SMS_MPGC.exeResource KitPGC Migration Wizard [converts SMS 1.2 Program Group Control (PGC)] data to SMS 2.0 APM format.
Smsapm32.exeWindows 32-bit clientsAdvertised Programs Manager.
Smsdbmon.exeSite systemsSMS SQL Monitor service.
Smsexec.exeSite systemsSMS Executive service.
Smsexecd.exeSite systemsSMS Executive remover tool.
Smsgzone.exeSite systemsAppleTalk Zone Detection service.
Smsman.exeWindows 32-bit clientsSMS Client Manual Discovery.
Smsman16.exeWindows 16-bit clientsSMS Client Manual Discovery.
Smsmon32.exeWindows 32-bit clientsAdvertised Programs Monitor.
Smsnds1.exeWindows 32-bit clientsClient Bootstrap for NetWare.
SMSObgn.exeResource KitSMS Object Generator tool.
SMSObldr.exeResource KitSMS Object Generator tool.
SMSSPMan.exeResource KitSite Properties Manager tool.
Smstrace.exeResource KitGUI log file watcher.
Smstrav.exeWindows 32-bit clientsTravel mode tool.
Smstsvc.exeSite systemsTest service used by Setup to verify Service accounts.
Smswiz32.exeWindows 32-bit clientsAdvertised Programs Wizard.
Snmptrap.exeWindows 32-bit clientsSNMP Event to Trap Translator.
Srvboot.exeSite systemsServer Bootstrap service.
Statview.exeSite systemsStatus Message Viewer.
StopRC.exeResource KitRemote Control Client Agent stopper.
Swdist16.exeWindows 16-bit clientsSoftware distribution setup on CAP.
Swdist32.exeWindows 32-bit clientsSoftware distribution setup on CAP.
Swdunins.exeWindows 32-bit clientsSoftware distribution remover.
TestApp.exeResource KitDummy application for testing software distribution.
Tracer.exeResource KitTracing tool for log files.
UILoad.exeResource KitSMS Console Load Simulation tool.
Uninstagent1.exeHealth MonitorAgent remover.
Uninstconn1.exeHealth MonitorConsole remover.
Unsecapp.exeWMI SDKTool for making calls to WMI using DCOM.
Unset95.exeSite systemsSoftware Metering Client Agent remover (Windows 9x).
Unsetnt.exeSite systemsSoftware Metering Client Agent remover (Windows NT).
W95ntupg.exeWindows 32-bit clientsWindows 95 and Windows 98 to Windows NT upgrade wrapper.
Wbemclean.exeWMI coreWMI remover.
Wbemdump.exeWMI coreDisplays the WBEM data displayer tool.
Wbemperm.exeWMI coreWMI user data manager tool.
Wbemstop.exeWMI coreWMI service stopper tool.
Wbemtest.exeWMI coreWBEM namespace, class, and instance tool.
Wmimofck.exeWMI coreWMI MOF checker tool.
Wuser.exeWindows 16-bit clientsRemote Control listening agent.
Wuser32.exeWindows 32-bit clientsRemote Control listening agent.
Zap.exeResource KitDeletes files in use.

Table A.5 SMS .ocx Files

FileUsed byDescription
Admsetup.ocxSite systemsConfigures the registry during site installation.
Helpbox.ocxSite systemsSoftware metering.
Lictools.ocxSite systemsSoftware metering.
Navbar.ocxSite systemsSoftware metering. Contains the navigation bar that contains the Metered Software and Summary lists.
Nettrace.ocxSMS Admin. consoleNetwork Trace.
Pghost.ocxSite systemsSoftware metering GUI.
Prodpage.ocxSite systemsSoftware metering.
Sesdata.ocxSite systemsSoftware metering. Transfers information between the different components that compose the GUI.
Shproxy.ocxSite systemsSoftware metering GUI.
Srvrview.ocxSite systemsSoftware metering.
Toolbox.ocxSite systemsSoftware metering.

Table A.6 SMS Miscellaneous Files

FileUsed byDescription
20CliCln.batResource KitSMS client software remover.
LicenseReports.mdbResource KitSoftware metering report generator.
SMSQuery.xlsResource KitImports SMS query results into Microsoft Excel.
SMSQuery.xltResource KitImports SMS query results into Excel.
Turn_on_nal.regResource KitEnables and disables NAL logging on client.
v20Admin.iniResource KitSMS Administrator console installer.
v20Admin.smsResource KitSMS Administrator console installer.