Site Server Directories

The following table describes the SMS directories that reside on a primary site server, and for each directory, lists the SMS component that uses that directory. These directories are located on the SMS installation drive in the SMS directory.

Table A.7 SMS Directories on a Primary Site Server

\Bin\i386VariousInstalled files for the site server to use.
\Bin\i386\00000409VariousDLLs and SMSman.exe (used for manual discovery and installation).
Inbox for the SMS SQL Monitor. Receives files to be routed to other components to wake up that component.
\Bin\i386\System32Multiple ComponentsMMC and ODBC drivers and support files.
\Data\ND_LogonNetWare NDS Logon ManagerPatron configuration file that describes the files to be installed on an NDS logon point.
\Data\NdlgdscNetWare NDS Logon Discovery AgentPatron configuration file that describes the files needed for the discovery agent for an NDS logon point.
\Data\NdlginstNetWare NDS Logon Installation ManagerPatron configuration file that describes the files required to be installed during NDS logon installation.
Data\Nt_logonWindows NT Logon ManagerPatron configuration file that describes the files to be installed on a Windows NT logon point. Also includes a copy of Smsls.bat (the SMS logon script file).
\Data\NtlgdscWindows NT Logon Discovery AgentPatron configuration file that describes the files needed for the discovery agent for a Windows NT logon point.
\Data\NtlginstWindows NT Logon Installation ManagerPatron configuration file that describes the files that must be installed during Windows Networking Logon Installation.
\Data\NW_LogonNetWare Bindery Logon ManagerPatron configuration file that describes the files to be installed on a NetWare bindery logon point. Also includes Smsls.scr (the SMS logon script file that is called from the system login script).
\Data\NwlgdscNetWare Bindery Logon Discovery AgentPatron configuration file that describes the files needed for the discovery agent for a NetWare Bindery logon point.
\Data\NwlginstNetWare Bindery Logon Installation ManagerPatron configuration file that describes the files that must be installed during NetWare Bindery Logon Installation.
\Inboxes\Asstdata.boxDiscovery Data ManagerMaster copy of the assignment list: sitecodeqry.ncf.
\Inboxes\CCRDist.boxCCR DistributorCCRs that must be distributed to CAPs.
\Inboxes\Clicfg.srcClient Installation Data ManagerMaster copy of the .cfg, .nal, and .pkg files for SMS client components.
\Inboxes\Clicomp.srcClient Installation Data ManagerPDF files for the SMS client components.
Client Installation Data ManagerMaster copy of the files for installing the base client components.
Client Installation Data ManagerMaster copy of the files for installing optional software distribution components. These files are required to receive advertisements.
Client Installation Data ManagerMaster copy of the files for installing the Hardware Inventory Agent.
Client Installation Data ManagerMaster copy of the files for installing the Software metering client component.
Client Installation Data ManagerMaster copy of the files for installing the Remote Control Agent.
Client Installation Data ManagerMaster copy of the files for installing the Software Inventory Agent.
Client Installation Data ManagerMaster copy of the files for installing the core software distribution components. These files are required to install other core components.
Client Installation Data ManagerMaster copy of the files for installing the Windows NT Event to SNMP Trap Translator component.
Client Installation Data ManagerMaster copy of the files for installing the WBEM components.
\Inboxes\Clidata.srcClient Installation Data ManagerMaster copies of the Caplist.ini file (lists CAPs in the site), Cli_Inst.cfg (lists client registry settings for installation), and Clibase.cfg (lists client registry parameters for installation).
\Inboxes\Colfile.boxInventory Data LoaderCollected SMS 1.2 delta MIF files.
\Inboxes\Coll_out.boxCollection EvaluatorOutbox for Collection Evaluator when sending collection information to child sites.
\Inboxes\Colleval.boxCollection EvaluatorReceives files from SMS_SQL_MONITOR (to indicate addition, updating, or deletion of a collection is required), and PSDs from parent site.
\Inboxes\Coursend.boxCourier SenderUsed for compression of packages and instructions when using Courier Sender.
\Inboxes\Dataldr.boxInventory Data LoaderReceives delta MIFs and loads them into the hardware inventory database.
\Inboxes\Ddm.boxDiscovery Data ManagerReceives DDRs to be evaluated and processed into the discovery database.
DespoolerReceives files from other sites in the hierarchy, decompresses the instruction files, and copies the data files to the appropriate inbox for processing.
\Inboxes\Distmgr.boxDistribution ManagerReceives package notification files that indicate a package requires processing (compression, decompression, distribution to distribution points).
\Inboxes\Hman.boxHierarchy ManagerReceives site configuration update notification files from SMS Trigger Manager, as well as .ct2 files from Site Configuration Manager.
\Inboxes\Inventry.boxInventory ProcessorReceives inventory data files from CAPs to be converted into delta MIF files for Inventory Data Loader.
\Inboxes\Invproc.boxInventory ProcessorStorage location for MIF files that require history storage at the site server.
\Inboxes\License.boxLicense Server ManagerUsed for intersite communications in software metering.
\Inboxes\Nt_logon.boxNT Logon Server ManagerMaster copies of the patron configuration files for Windows Networking Logon Discovery and Installation.
\Inboxes\Offerinf.boxOffer ManagerMaster copies of advertisement (.ofr), instruction (.ins), and lookup (.lkp) files.
\Inboxes\Offermgr.boxOffer ManagerReceives notification files from SMS Trigger Manager to create, update, or delete advertisements.
\Inboxes\Pkginfo.boxDistribution ManagerMaster copies of package files (Nal, Pkg, and Ico directories).
\Inboxes\Replmgr.boxIntersite Replication ManagerReceives and processes requests to transmit data to other sites.
\Inboxes\Schedule.boxSchedulerReceives requests and processes them into packages, instruction files, and send requests. Also contains outboxes for each installed sender.
\Inboxes\Sinv.boxSoftware Inventory ProcessorReceives .sic and .sid files from CAPs. Stores any collected files in the \FileCol\Resource ID directory.
Software Inventory ProcessorFiles in \Inboxes\\Retry that were retried three times unsuccessfully.
Software Inventory ProcessorStores files collected from software inventory.
Software Inventory ProcessorStores software inventory files that do not have corresponding DDRs.
Software Inventory ProcessorStores software inventory files waiting for the SMS site database to be available.
Software Inventory ProcessorExtracts and rebuilds the collected files that were packaged with the inventory data in the software inventory file.
\Inboxes\Sitectrl.boxSite Configuration ManagerMaster copy of the site control file (sitectrl.ct0). Receives and processes .ct1 files from Hierarchy Manager, as well as .ct3 files from other services.
\Inboxes\SiteStat.boxSite SummarizerProcesses status messages for the local site.
\Inboxes\Statmgr.boxStatus ManagerReceives status messages from CAPs and processes them into the Windows NT Event Viewer application log.
\LicmtrLicense Server ManagerMaster copy of the data cache and files for a software metering server. Used as a template of the data cache for new software metering servers.
\LogsVariousLog files for each SMS component running on the site server. Also contains old version of log files (.lo_).
\NetmonNetwork MonitorExecutable files, saved capture files, addresses, filters, and other configuration files for Network Monitor.
\ScriptsSQL ServerMaster script files (MOF files) for importing package files into the SMS site database.
\SMS_InstSMS InstallerThe setup program to install SMS Installer on reference computers.