Supported Platforms

This class is used to map a platform listed by SMS_OS_Details to a descriptive name.

Table B.12 Supported Platforms (SMS_SupportedPlatforms)

PropertyData typeExampleNotes
DisplayTextstring"All x86 NT 5.0 Clients"The friendly name of this platform. Will be used if the resource string does not exist.
OSMaxVersionstring"5.00.9999.9999"Key. The name of the highest version number in this range for this platform. The value 99.99.9999.9999 represents all future versions.
OSMinVersionstring"5.00.0000.0"Key. The name of the lowest version number in the range for this platform. The value 0.00.0000.0 represents all previous versions.
OSNamestring"Win NT"Key. The name of the operating system for this platform.
OSPlatformstring"I 386"Key. The name of the machine architecture for this platform.
ResourceDllstring"baserc.dll"The name of the resource DLL that contains the localized name of this platform.
StringIduint325051The string identifier in the resource DLL that contains the localized name of this platform.