Security User Instance Permission Names

The SMS_UserInstancePermissionNames class lists all permissions and the permission names granted to a user for specific instances of secured classes. It differs from the SMS_UserInstancePermissions class in that there is a separate instance for each permission granted.

Table B.48 Security User Instance Permission Names (SMS_UserInstancePermissionNames)

PropertyData typeExampleNotes
ObjectKeyuint32 Key. Indicates the class of objects to which the permissions apply.

Values are:
1 = Collection
2 = Package
3 = Advertisement
4 = Status Message
5 = (Reserved)
6 = Site
7 = Query

UserNamestring Key. The name of the user.
PermissionNamestring Key. The text version of the permission that is named. Example: Read
InstanceKeystring Key. A text value that uniquely identifies an instance of a secured object. It is the value of the key field for that instance
Permissionuint32 A specific permission named by this instance of the class. Example: Read