Summarizer — Advertisement Status

This class contains a total count of advertisement status for a site’s advertisements.

Table B.74 Summarizer — Advertisement Status (SMS_AdvertisementStatusSummarizer)

PropertyData typeExampleNotes
AdvertisementIDstring"GRN20000"Key. This is the unique ID of the SMS_Advertisement instance.
AdvertisementsFaileduint320This is a counter that tracks the number of users, client computers, or both that are in the site that experienced an error in processing the advertisement or its associated package, or that attempted to run the advertised program but failed before the program was executed.
AdvertisementsReceiveduint320This is a counter that tracks the number of users, client computers, or both that are in the site that is reporting successful receipt of the advertisement.
Size limit 16 characters. This is a ScheduleToken that is encoded into a string. It contains a date and time schedule which runs summarizer classes and updates statistics.
LastUpdatedatetimeSee “Date and Time Formats” at the beginning of this appendix.Indicates the most recent date and time that any site has indicated a change in status for the selected advertisement.
ProgramsFaileduint320This is a counter that tracks number of users, client computers, or both that reported errors while running the advertised program. A program is considered in error when it produces either a non-zero exit code or an install-status MIF file with a Failure-status attribute.
ProgramsStarteduint320This is a counter that tracks the number of users and/or client computers in the site that were able to successfully start running the advertised program.
ProgramsSucceededuint320This is a counter that tracks number of users, client computers, or both that are reporting that the advertisement ran successfully. A program is considered successful when it produces either an exit code of zero or an install-status MIF file with a Success-status attribute.
SiteCode string"GRN"Indicates the three-letter site code for the site.