Summarizer — Package Status Root

This class contains a total count of targeted/installed/failed status for packages. This is the top-level results pane for Package Status in the SMS Administrator console. There is one record for each package. Therefore, the counts are for all distribution points in the whole site hierarchy from the current site and below.

Table B.78 Summarizer — Package Status Root (SMS_PackageStatusRootSummarizer)

PropertyData typeExampleNotes
Faileduint320Indicates a count of distribution points that failed the installation or removal of a package. This is the total number of distribution points for this package that have exceeded the number of retries allowed during an installation or removal operation, and that are currently in a state of installation-failed or retry-failed.
Installeduint321Indicates a count of distribution points where the latest version of a package has been installed. This is the total number of distribution points to which the current source version of the package has been previously copied. A distribution point is considered installed until an update, refresh, or removal operation is specified.
Namestring"Tetris"Indicates the name assigned to the package when it was created in the SMS Administrator console. Size limit 64 characters.
PackageIDstring"GRN00002"Key. Indicates a unique identifier for the package. Size limit 8 characters.
Retryinguint321Indicates a count of distribution points that are retrying the installation or the removal of a package. This is the total number of distribution points for this package that have had at least one failure during an installation or removal operation, but have not yet exceeded the number of retries allowed, and are currently in a state of installation-retrying or removal-retrying.
SourceCompressedSizeuint3214Indicates the size (in kilobytes) of the compressed version (if any) of the package source directory.
SourceDatedatetimeSee “Date and Time Formats” at the beginning of this appendix.Indicates the date, in GMT, that the latest version of the package was created.
SourceSitestring"GRN"Indicates the three-letter site code for the source site. Size limit 3 characters.
SourceSizeuint3230Indicates the uncompressed size of the package source directory in kilobytes.
SourceVersionuint321Indicates the version of the package. It increments each time the user updates the package in the SMS Administrator console.
Targeteduint322Indicates the count of distribution points that a package should be installed on. This is the total number of distribution points (including child sites) that are specified to have a copy of the package. A distribution point remains targeted until it is specified for removal.