Summarizer — Status

This class depicts summarizers that are registered in the system. No specific SMS status information is contained in the class.

Table B.85 Summarizer — Status (SMS_SummarizerStatus)

PropertyData typeExampleNotes
GUIDstring"{783EBEA0-ABBF-11d1-BB12-3A84C6000000}"Key. The GUID is used by the SMS Administrator console to determine which summarizer generated the row. The values are:
Component Summarizer ="{783EBEA0-ABBF-11d1-BB12-3A84C6000000}"
Site System Status Summarizer = "{78B42510-ABBD-11d1-BB12-3A84C6000000}"
SiteCode string"GRN"Indicates the three-letter site code for the site.
Statusuint322Indicates the “health” (color) of the site’s associated icon in the SMS Administrator console.

Values are:
0 = GREEN (OK)
1 = YELLOW (Warning)
2 = RED (Critical)

UpdateddatetimeSee “Date and Time Formats” at the beginning of this appendix.