SMS 1.2 and 2.0 Interoperability Scripts
SMS 2.0 provides the following scripts for use in sites that have SMS 2.0 and SMS 1.2. To use any of these scripts, you must first perform the following tasks:
To use the NetWare bindery-specific interoperability scripts
- Add the NetWare server as a logon point for both the SMS 1.2 and SMS 2.0 sites. (You can also make it a client access point (CAP) for SMS 2.0, and a distribution point for SMS 1.2 and SMS 2.0.)
- Disable Modify login scripts in the SMS 2.0 sites:
Right-click NetWare Bindery Logon Client Installation, and then click Properties, which opens the NetWare Bindery Logon Client Installation Properties dialog box. In the Logon Settings tab, make sure that Modify login scripts is not selected. Navigate to Discovery Methods:
Systems Management Server
Site Database (site code - site name)
Site Hierarchy
site code - site name
Site Settings
Discovery Methods
Right-click NetWare Bindery Logon Discovery, and then click Properties, which opens the NetWare Bindery Logon Discovery Properties dialog box. In the Logon Settings tab, make sure that Modify login scripts is not selected. Disable Automatically Configure Workstation Logon Scripts in the SMS 1.2 sites:
- In the SMS 1.2 Administrator, select a site in the Sites window.
- On the File menu, click Properties, which opens the Site Properties window.
- In the Site Properties window, click Clients, which opens the Clients window.
- In the Clients window, click Proposed Properties, and then make sure that Automatically Configure Workstation Logon Scripts is not selected.
- Click OK.
Add the following text to the bottom of \Net$log.dat, changing the server, volume, and SMS 1.2 installation directory as appropriate:REM Manually add this text to \Net$log.dat for SMS 1.2 and SMS 2.0REM to ensure interoperability on the bindery or bindery emulation.REM Map a drive for the volume or path containing the SMS 1.2REM directoryREM (or REM out the map statement and set SMS_12_DRIVEREM to the appropriate previously mapped drive).MAP T:=SMS5NW410\APPS:TEMP set SMS_12_DRIVE="T:"TEMP set SMS_12_DIR="\\SMSRE2\logon.srv"TEMP set SMS_12_VOLUME="%<SMS_12_DRIVE>"TEMP set SMS_12_LOGON="%<SMS_12_VOLUME>%<SMS_12_DIR>"REM Set SMS 2.0 paths, and verify whether this client can use them.REM Win32 can use a UNC path, but Win16 might need a mapped drive.set SMS_LOGON="\\\SMS5NW410\SYS\SMSLOGON"set SMS_LOGON_NW="SYS:\SMSLOGON"REM Windows NT and Windows 95 can handle a UNC path.REM Win16 or DOS needs a mapped drive.if "%<OS>" = "Windows_NT" GOTO INCSCRIPT#%<SMS_12_VOLUME>%<SMS_12_DIR>\dosver >nul IF "%ERROR_LEVEL" = "7" THEN GOTO INCSCRIPT
MAPDRIVE:REM Either it could not use the UNC to execute DOSVER,REM or it is running on a 16 bit client (or both).REM Map a drive to the volume containing the SMS 2.0 code.REM Reset the path environment variables for the drive.MAP S:=SMS5NW410\SYS:TEMP set SMS_DRIVE="S:"set SMS_LOGON="%<SMS_DRIVE>\SMSLOGON"set SMS_LOGON_NW="%<SMS_DRIVE>\SMSLOGON"INCSCRIPT:INCLUDE %<SMS_LOGON_NW>\CONFIG\smsls.scr
- SMSls20i.scr
- SMSls20i.scr installs SMS 2.0 client software on resources that do not have SMS installed on them. If a resource is an SMS 1.2 client, this script leaves it alone.
- SMSls12a.scr
- SMSls12a.scr installs SMS 1.2 on resources that are not already SMS 2.0 clients. If a resource is an SMS 2.0 client, this script leaves it alone. Use this script if the SMS 1.2 site’s NetWare server is being used exclusively by an SMS 1.2 site, but this SMS 1.2 site might encounter existing SMS 2.0 clients (due to a phased upgrade or your SMS 2.0 site’s boundaries).
- SMSls12i.scr
- SMSls12i.scr installs SMS 1.2 on resources that are not already SMS 2.0 clients. If a resource is an SMS 2.0 client, this script leaves it alone. Use this script if the SMS 1.2 site’s NetWare server is being shared by an SMS 1.2 site and at least one SMS 2.0 site.
Note To use the interoperability scripts, you must rename SMS\Data\Nw_logon\
Nw_logon.pcf to Nw_logon.old, and then rename Nw_logon_interop.pcf to Nw_logon.pcf.
Note Windows Explorer lists *.scr files as screen savers. Ignore this.