SQL Server 6.5

The following procedure describes how to create a batch file that performs an unattended installation of SQL Server 6.5, Service Pack 5.

Procedure Bullet  To perform an unattended installation of SQL Server 6.5, Service Pack 5

  1. Create an initialization file (filename.iss) that contains the following text. Be sure to supply your own values for variables such as site, domain, server, and so on.
  2. [License]FullName=SMSAdminOrgName=MSProductID=123Mode=1PerServerUsers=50[SQLPath]SQLPath=\MSSQLLogicalSQLDrive=E:[MasterPath]MasterSize=25LogicalDBDrive=E:MasterDBPath=\MSSQL\DATAMasterDBFileName=MASTER.DAT[NewOptions]AutoServerService=CHECKEDAutoExecutiveService=NOTCHECKEDBooksOnline=1[Network]NetLibList={"SSNMPN60"}ServerNMPipe=\\.\pipe\sql\query[LogonAccount]LocalSystem=CHECKED[Scripts]ForceReboot=FALSECustScPath=C:\DIRECTORY1CustomScriptList={}[CharSet]CharSet=cpISO
  3. At the command prompt, run the SQL Server 6.5 Setup program by using the initialization file you created in step 1:

    setup /t IniFilePath = filename.iss

    This command is case-sensitive, and it requires spaces on both sides of the equals sign.

  4. At the command prompt, run the SQL Server 6.5, Service Pack 5 Setup program, as follows:

    setup /t Password = NULL

    This command is case-sensitive, and it requires spaces on both sides of the equals sign.

For more information about unattended SQL Server 6.5 installations, see your SQL Server 6.5 documentation.