

Advertised Programs Manager
An SMS client component that runs software on client computers. This component runs all of the programs for software distribution. It also runs the installation programs for the optional SMS client components.
See also client component.
Advertised Programs Monitor
An SMS client application that enables client computer users to display any scheduled advertisements or advertisements that have already been run.
Advertised Programs Wizard
An SMS client application that runs advertised programs.
Advertisement Status Summarizer (SMS_OFFER_STATUS_SUMMARIZER)
An SMS thread component that produces the Advertisement Status summary in the SMS Administrator console from the status messages generated by the software distribution components.
See also status message; status summary; thread component.
application image
An image of an application that is created on a server in order to be replicated to distribution points.
A Desktop Management Task Force (DMTF) term for the top-level object in the schema. In SMS, a structure for recording information about an object. Each object is composed of attribute classes and attributes. An example of an architecture is the Systems architecture.
See also attribute; attribute class.
An SMS thread component that communicates with other sites by using an existing asynchronous RAS connectivity system. Async RAS Sender manages the connection, ensures the integrity of transferred data, recovers from errors, and closes connections when they are no longer needed.
See also sender; thread component.
A name or value that you can use to query the SMS site database. Also known as a property. For example, the Disk attribute class contains attributes such as Manufacturer, Model, and Name.
See also architecture; attribute class; query; SMS site database.
attribute class
A container object that groups related attributes within an object type.
See also attribute; object type.


binary MIF file
A file in binary format that reports inventory information from a client. SMS inventory components use binary MIF files to add information to the SMS site database.
See also delta MIF file; Management Information Format (MIF) file; SMS site database.


See CIM Object Manager.
CIM Object Manager
The primary component in the management infrastructure of the Windows Management Instrumentation [WMI; formerly Web-Based Enterprise Management (WBEM)] technology. Client applications access the CIM Object Manager to find the correct provider.
See also CIM Repository; consumer application; data store; provider; Web-Based Enterprise Management (WBEM); Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI).
CIM Repository
A data store in which Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) stores schema and provider information.
See also CIM Object Manager; consumer application; provider; Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI).
Client Component Installation Manager (CCIM)
An SMS client component that is responsible for ensuring that each client is correctly installed and assigned to the correct site. This client component also keeps the client data and the SMS site server data synchronized by creating discovery data records and determines which optional components should be installed. This component runs as a thread of the SMS Client service.
See also client component; discovery data record (DDR); SMS Client service.
client agents
Software that runs on SMS clients to perform specific functions. For example, the Software Metering Client Agent tracks software license usage and sends this information to a software metering server.
client component
An SMS thread, service, or application that runs on client computers and provides SMS functionality.
See also service component; SMS component; thread component.
Client Configuration Manager (SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER)
An SMS thread component that assists in client installation when client users do not have the rights to install programs on their computers. (For example, a Domain User as defined in Windows NT, User Manager for Domains.)
See also thread component.
Client Install Data Manager (SMS_CLIENT_INSTALL_DATA_MGR)
An SMS thread component that provides client access points with the files and data necessary for installing SMS clients.
See also thread component.
collected files
Files that are copied from SMS clients as part of software inventory. After the files are collected from clients, they are stored on the site server.
See also file collection; software inventory.
An SMS thread component that performs collection management tasks such as refreshing collection data and propagating collection changes among sites.
See also thread component.
Common Information Model Object Manager
See CIM Object Manager.
complete inventory
A hardware or software inventory cycle that creates a complete inventory file containing all of the hardware attributes or inventoried software types found on a client. A complete inventory is taken only at initial inventory or when there is a resynchronization (complete inventory). A resynchronization occurs whenever an inventory file tries to update data that does not exist in the SMS site database, when the inventory data is corrupted, or when a client attaches to a new site. Otherwise, a delta (partial) inventory is taken.
See also delta inventory; hardware inventory; SMS site database; software inventory.
An SMS thread component that produces the Component Status summary in the SMS Administrator console from the status messages generated by SMS server components.
See also SMS component; status message; thread component.
consumer application
An executable application that makes API calls to the CIM Object Manager to view or manage data from providers. Formerly called WBEM client.
See also CIM Object Manager; SMS Provider; Web-Based Enterprise Management (WBEM); Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI).
Copy Queue
An SMS client component that copies data to client access points and logon points.
See also client component.
An SMS thread component that writes SMS data to physical media such as compact discs, floppy disks, or tapes to be distributed to SMS sites. You should use this sender when the only available network bandwidth is very limited.
See also sender; thread component.
An SMS thread component that waits for confirmation that a parcel was received by the target site in order to update local data files.
See also Courier Sender; thread component.
Crystal Info
A tool that you can use to design, schedule, and view reports.
See also Crystal services; Info Agent, Info APS, and Info Sentinel.
Crystal services
Info Agent, Info APS, and Info Sentinel make up the Crystal services. These services are necessary for the Crystal Info tool. They run as service components that can be started and stopped through Control Panel, Services.
See also Crystal Info; Info Agent; Info APS; Info Sentinel.


data store
A storage location for SMS site and configuration data.
See also CIM Repository; site control file; SMS site database.
See discovery data record (DDR).
delta header
A set of header comments in a Management Information Format (MIF) file that identifies the MIF file within the SMS system and provides SMS with specific instructions for processing the MIF file.
See also Management Information Format (MIF) file.
delta inventory
A hardware or software inventory cycle that creates a delta inventory file containing all of the information that was added, removed, or changed since the previous inventory. The delta inventory file is generally smaller than the complete inventory file.
See also complete inventory; hardware inventory; software inventory.
delta MIF file
A Management Information Format file containing all of the hardware inventory information that was added, removed, or changed since the previous inventory.
See also
hardware inventory; Management Information Format (MIF) file.
An SMS thread component that watches for despooler instruction files and compressed packages created by Scheduler or Distribution Manager. The instruction files and packages can be sent from the local site or from another site. Despooler uses the instruction files to decompress and process package files.
See also Distribution Manager; Scheduler; thread component.
discovery data
Information that identifies a resource. For example, discovery data for an SMS client can include the IP address of the network connection, the operating system type and version, and a unique SMS identifier assigned to the client. The discovery data is provided by the SMS site’s discovery methods and is stored in the SMS site database. Collections are populated based on discovery data. You can use discovery data as the criteria that define a collection of SMS clients that are to receive a software package, such as Microsoft Excel.
See also discovery data record (DDR); resource; SMS site database.
An SMS thread component that processes discovery data records and forwards the data to the SMS site database. Discovery Data Manager forwards all assigned data to secondary sites and propagates all data to each site’s parent site.
See also discovery data record (DDR); thread component.
discovery data record (DDR)
The file format and the actual file in which discovery data is reported to the SMS site database.
See also discovery data; SMS site database.
An SMS thread component that facilitates software distribution by placing packages on distribution points and managing the replication of package definition files and package source files to child sites. This component also directs Inbox Manager to copy program definitions and current server lists to client access points.
See also thread component.
distribution source
A set of tables in the SMS site database for primary sites or a set of files for secondary sites that contain package-related information.
See also SMS site database.


file collection
The process of copying specific files from SMS clients during software inventory. You can specify the files that SMS collects by using the SMS Administrator console. SMS saves the collected files on the site server.
See also collected files; inventory.


Hardware History
The Resource Explorer feature that displays the hardware inventory history of a client. Folders for each past inventory contain the classes and properties that changed at that inventory.
See also hardware inventory.
hardware inventory
The automated process that SMS uses to gather detailed information about the hardware that client computers are using in an SMS site.
See also Hardware History; inventory.
Hardware Inventory Client Agent
An SMS client application that runs as its own process and provides client hardware inventory data.
See also hardware inventory.
hierarchy design
The combination of SMS site systems and servers in an SMS site. Also the process of determining the optimum combination of site systems and servers in an SMS site.
See also pilot project.
An SMS thread component that monitors the SMS site database for site control file change requests and updates the database with the new actual site control file after Site Control Manager processes the changes. Change requests occur when an SMS administrator makes configuration changes through the SMS Administrator console.
See also site control file; Site Control Manager; SMS site database; thread component.


IDMIF file
A custom Management Information Format file that creates new architectures or updates existing architectures in the SMS site database.
See also architecture; NOIDMIF file; SMS site database.
A directory in the SMS directory structure in which SMS components copy, move, or mirror files for other components to process. Inboxes act on directory change notification and polling cycles.
See also Inbox Manager; SMS component.
An SMS thread component that monitors SMS inboxes to copy, move, or mirror files. When a component or service is ready to pass a file to another thread or service component, it places the file in an inbox. Acting on directory change notification, and in some cases a polling cycle, Inbox Manager retrieves the file and carries out the appropriate procedure based on the rules for that file and inbox.
See also inbox; service component; thread component.
An SMS thread component that moves files from inboxes at client access points to inboxes at SMS site servers.
See also thread component.
Info Agent
A Crystal Info service that retrieves data for reports.
See also Crystal Info; Crystal services.
Info APS
A Crystal Info service that manages Crystal Info components.
See also Crystal Info; Crystal services.
Info Sentinel
A Crystal Info service that manages communication between computers running Crystal services.
See also Crystal Info; Crystal services.
Installer executable file
The compressed executable file that SMS Installer generates with the installation script and all of the included files and directories. The Installer executable file is a self-extracting executable file that can be distributed to and run on clients.
Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP)
A method that IP hosts use to communicate status and error messages.
Information that SMS inventory client agents collect for each client in a site. The inventory can include hardware and software information and collected files, depending on the administrator-defined configuration.
See also inventory agent.
Inventory agent
A client agent that scans a client for hardware or software inventory and reports the inventory to the SMS site database.
See also client agents; hardware inventory; software inventory; SMS site database.
An SMS thread component that processes hardware inventory data files and adds the data to the SMS site database. Inventory Data Loader propagates all data to each site’s parent site.
See also hardware inventory; SMS site database; thread component.
An SMS thread component that collects the Management Information Format (MIF) files created by the inventory agent on each client and creates a history file (an image of the latest MIF file) for each client computer. When new MIF files are ready, Inventory Processor compares them with the history files and writes changes to binary MIF files. Inventory Processor also converts MIF files in the directory into binary MIF files.
See also binary MIF file; inventory agent; Management Information Format (MIF) file; thread component.
IP address
A 32-bit binary number that identifies the network node to other nodes on the network. An IP address is expressed in dotted quad format, which consists of the decimal values of its four bytes, separated with periods (for example, The first set of numbers (127 in the example) identifies the network the node is connected to; the remaining numbers identify the node itself.
An SMS thread component that uses an existing ISDN RAS connectivity system to communicate with other sites. ISDN RAS Sender manages the connection, ensures the integrity of transferred data, recovers from errors, and closes connections when they are no longer needed.
See also sender; thread component.


An SMS thread component that uses an existing connectivity protocol (such as IPX or TCP/IP) to facilitate site-to-site communication and to send instructions and data among sites. LAN Sender manages connections, ensures the integrity of transferred data, recovers from errors, and closes connections when they are no longer needed.
See also sender; thread component.
License Metering (LICENSE_METERING)
An SMS thread component that provides communication between the site server and software metering servers. This component also manages license balancing and instant license balancing, calculates trend balances, and moves licenses and excluded product lists to software metering servers.
See also thread component.
load signature
A measurement of a computer’s hardware resource use throughout daily, weekly, and monthly business cycles. Understanding the load signature for each SMS site system is critical to planning and designing your SMS site hierarchy and to successfully deploying SMS within your organization.
See also hierarchy design.


Managed Object Format (MOF) file
A text file that loads schema information into the CIM Object Manager.
See also CIM Object Manager.
Management Information Format (MIF)
A standard designed by the Desktop Management Task Force for exposing data. In SMS, a text file that contains client inventory data to be sent to the SMS site database.
See also IDMIF file; inventory; NOIDMIF file; SMS site database.
Management Information Format (MIF) file
A Desktop Management Task Force file type for reporting inventory information. In SMS, inventory information from a client is reported through a MIF file. MIF files can be in ASCII text or binary format and either type can be a full MIF file or a delta MIF file (update file). SMS inventory components use binary MIF files to add information to the SMS site database.
See also binary MIF file; delta MIF file; IDMIF file; NOIDMIF file; SMS site database.
See Management Information Format (MIF).
MIF file
See Management Information Format (MIF) file.


See network abstraction layer (NAL).
A unit for grouping Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) classes and instances to control their scope and visibility. In SMS, namespace usually refers to the following specific Web-Based Enterprise Management (WBEM) namespace: SMS\Site_<SiteCode>. This namespace is the location that exposes the classes and functionality of the SMS Provider.
See also SMS Provider; Web-Based Enterprise Management (WBEM); Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI).
An SMS thread component that serves as the primary thread for the NetWare NDS Logon Discovery method. NDS Logon Discovery Manager creates the files necessary for client logon discovery, collects discovery data from NetWare NDS logon points, and then copies the data to the site server.
See also discovery data; thread component.
An SMS thread component that serves as the primary thread for the NetWare NDS Logon Installation method. NDS Logon Installation Manager copies the files necessary for client logon installation.
See also thread component.
An SMS thread component that installs logon points on NDS contexts and modifies container logon scripts to run the SMS logon script.
See also thread component.
network abstraction layer (NAL)
A COM interface that provides a processing layer between client applications and the network resources with which they interact.
Network Discovery
A discovery method that uses ARP, DHCP, OSPF, RIP, WINS, DNS, NetBIOS, and SNMP to discover the network topology and all systems and devices attached to the network. Network Discovery is used to collect discovery data about system resources and to find computers that can have SMS client software installed and become SMS clients.
See also discovery data; Network Trace; resource.
An SMS thread component that uses IP, DHCP, SNMP, ICMP, OSPF, RIP, and name resolution to collect information (such as the IP address, computer name, and operating system in use) from devices attached to a network for use by SMS, SMS administrators, Network Trace, and client installation software.
See also discovery data; Network Trace; resource; thread component.
Network Trace
An SMS Administrator console tool that calculates and diagrams routes between an SMS site server and any site system that you select, based on the discovery data in the SMS site database and the data retrieved by pinging the targeted site system. After Network Discovery is completed, Network Trace can map routers and links between site systems.
See also discovery data; Network Discovery; SMS site database.
A custom Management Information Format (MIF) file that SMS administrators can create and then use to extend the hardware inventory data gathered from client computers. Also a MIF file supplied by a third-party vendor.
See also binary MIF file; delta MIF file; hardware inventory; Management Information Format (MIF) file.
An SMS thread component that serves as the primary thread for the Windows Networking Logon Discovery method. NT Logon Discovery Manager configures the files necessary for logon client discovery.
See also thread component.
An SMS thread component that reads the site control file for changes pertaining to logon discovery and then initiates those changes and replicates them to the logon point.
See also site control file; thread component.
An SMS thread component that installs logon points on computers that are running Windows NT Server. It also modifies user account profiles to run the SMS logon script.
See also thread component.
An SMS thread component that discovers user accounts from specified domains and generates discovery data records to populate the SMS site database.
See also discovery data record (DDR); SMS site database; thread component.
An SMS thread component that discovers global user groups from specified domains and generates discovery data records to populate the SMS site database.
See also discovery data record (DDR); SMS site database; thread component.
An SMS thread component that serves as the primary thread for the NetWare Bindery Logon Discovery method. NW Logon Discovery Manager copies the files necessary to perform client logon discovery, collects discovery data from the NetWare bindery logon points, and copies it to the site server.
See also discovery data; thread component.
An SMS thread component for the NetWare Bindery Logon Installation method that performs logon client installation.
See also thread component.
An SMS thread component that installs logon points on NetWare bindery servers and modifies system logon scripts to run the SMS logon script.
See also thread component.


object type
A set of attributes that represents an SMS site database object, such as a client, a package, an advertisement, or a user group. All objects of a specific type are labeled and grouped together.
See also attribute; SMS site database.
An SMS thread component that facilitates software distribution by monitoring the list of advertisements and verifying that all target clients are notified of available advertisements. Offer Manager also manages the replication of advertisements to child sites.
See also thread component.


package definition file
An ASCII text file that contains predefined programs and property settings for a package. You can create a new package by importing a package definition file. SMS includes package definition files for a number of software applications and operating systems.
pilot project
A small-scale SMS installation in a test environment.
See also hierarchy design.
pragma statement
A line in a Management Information Format file or an event configuration file that indicates how information in the file relates to the information in an SMS site database. For example, a pragma statement might state to add information to the SMS site database.
See also Management Information Format (MIF) file; SMS site database.
prompted query
A query in which a dialog box prompts a user for information. Prompted queries are constructed with a general expression, not a specific value. The user is prompted for the actual value (such as a date) when the query is run.
See also query.
An application that communicates with the CIM Object Manager through Windows Management Instrumentation interfaces to supply information about managed objects. Varying types of providers might expose one or more of the following managed entities to the CIM Object Manager: classes, instances, methods, or events.
See also CIM Object Manager; Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI).


A set of criteria that finds objects in an SMS site database. When run, a query searches the SMS site database for objects that match the query’s criteria. For example, a query can be used to search for all client computers with Microsoft Word 97 installed.
See also inventory; SMS site database.


remote SMS Administrator console
An SMS Administrator console installed on a computer other than the primary site server. Remote consoles enable administrators to manage SMS sites from multiple locations.
An SMS thread component that processes both incoming and outgoing intersite replication. Replication Manager incorporates objects into replication files. Then, it passes these files to Scheduler as mini-jobs that are to be sent to the appropriate locations by a sender. Replication Manager also analyzes incoming files, and if appropriate, replicates the objects to appropriate directories on the site server.
See also thread component.
An object, such as a computer, a router, or a Windows NT user group, that can be discovered and potentially managed by SMS. Resources can be organized into collections.
See also resource class.
resource class
In SMS, manageable resources are divided into these classes:
System Resource
Personal computers, servers, and network devices, such as routers.
User Group Resource
Windows NT user groups.
User Account Resource
User accounts on computers running Microsoft Windows NT network operating systems.

See also query; resource.


An SMS thread component that manages data transfer between sites, based on user-defined addresses and sending schedules.
See also thread component.
An SMS thread component that uses an existing connectivity system to communicate among sites. A sender manages the connection, ensures the integrity of transferred data, recovers from errors, and closes connections when they are no longer needed.
See also thread component.
senior site
The SMS site that performs the domain tasks relevant for SMS (such as updating logon scripts) when multiple SMS sites manage the same Windows NT domain.
service component
An SMS program that runs as a Windows NT service. These services can be started and stopped through the Services icon in Control Panel in Windows NT 4.0.
See also client component; SMS component; thread component.
The application used to install or remove an SMS primary site or secondary site and the SMS Administrator console.
shared applications
Applications that run on client computers but use application files installed on servers.
site boundaries
The list of subnets and IPX network numbers that an SMS administrator defines as the boundaries of an SMS site.
site control file
An ASCII text file (Sitectrl.ct0) that contains the configuration of a site. There are two types of site control files:
actual site control file
A working copy of the site control file stored in the SMS site database.
delta site control file
Changes to the site control file, in .var file format, that are processed through Site Control Manager.

See also Site Control Manager; SMS site database.

An SMS thread component that processes site configuration changes and writes new site control files.
See also site control file; thread component.
An SMS thread component that produces the Site System Status summary in the SMS Administrator console by periodically polling all of the site systems at a site for network accessibility and free storage space.
See also status summary.
site transaction log
A SQL Server log file that maintains before and after images of transactions, so that if corruption occurs (for example, as the result of a sudden loss in power), the transaction can be backed out and the SMS site or software metering database can be returned to its previous state.
See also SMS site database.
SMS Client service
A service that starts and monitors the state of all SMS client components.
See also client component.
SMS component
A program that performs a specific SMS task. In SMS, there are three types of components: client components, service components, and thread components.
See also client component; service component; thread component.
An SMS service component that manages the collection of thread components running on a site server or site system.
See also service component; thread component.
An SMS thread component that installs and removes software metering servers. This component also maintains and updates configuration information.
See also thread component.
An SMS service component that processes all communication between SMS clients and software metering servers.
See also service component.
An SMS service component that discovers computers running Windows operating systems as they log on to Windows NT domains in an SMS site.
See also service component.
SMS Provider
The Windows Management Instrumentation provider that exposes SMS site data. The SMS Provider is an intermediary between the CIM Object Manager and any SMS data. The SMS Provider also accesses the SMS site database to provide data to the SMS Administrator console.
See also CIM Object Manager; SMS site database; Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI).
SMS Secondary Site Server Bootstrap (SMS_BOOTSTRAP)
An SMS service component that installs secondary sites that are created from within the SMS Administrator console.
See also service component.
An SMS service component used by Site Component Manager to assist in installing other SMS server components. Site Component Manager installs this service temporarily to accomplish certain tasks.
See also service component; SMS component; SMS Site Component Manager.
An SMS service component that installs and removes server components at an SMS site and ensures that all the necessary server components are installed.
See also service component; SMS component.
SMS site database
A SQL Server database that stores discovery data, configuration and status information, hardware inventory, and software inventory. Every primary site has an SMS site database.
See also discovery data; hardware inventory; software inventory.
An SMS service component that monitors the SMS site database on a SQL Server computer for changes and notifies related components when a change occurs. When a change occurs, SMS SQL Monitor either writes a file to the related SMS inbox or notifies the component by named pipe. SMS SQL Monitor is also responsible for performing periodic database maintenance tasks.
See also inbox; service component; SMS site database.
SMS unique identifier (SMSUID)
A unique identifier that SMS assigns to each client. This identifier is stored in the SMS site database and is used to uniquely identify each SMS client for all SMS activities.
See also SMS site database.
An SMS thread component that uses the existing RAS over SNA connectivity system to communicate with other sites. SNA RAS Sender manages the connection, ensures the integrity of transferred data, recovers from errors, and closes connections when they are no longer needed.
See also sender; thread component.
software inventory
The automated process that SMS uses to gather information about software on client computers in an SMS site.
Software Inventory Agent
An SMS client application that runs as its own process and provides client software inventory data.
See also consumer application; software inventory.
An SMS thread component that processes software inventory data produced by SMS clients and forwards that data to the SMS site database on the site database server.
See also software inventory; SMS site database; thread component.
software metering database
A SQL Server database that stores software metering information gathered from an SMS site. The software metering database is maintained separately from the SMS site database.
See also SMS site database.
status filter rule
A user-defined rule that determines the actions performed by Status Manager when it receives a status message from an SMS component. Status Manager actions determine whether status messages are written to the SMS site database, replicated to the parent site, and/or written to the Windows NT Event Log.
See also SMS component; SMS site database; Status manager; status message.
An SMS thread component that processes all the status messages generated by the SMS server and client components at a site. The messages can be written to the SMS site database, reported as Windows NT events, and/or replicated to the parent site.
See also SMS site database; status message; thread component.
status message
A message generated by an SMS component that can be viewed in the SMS Administrator console. Status messages differ from Windows NT events in that they represent the flow of activity within an SMS site.
See also SMS component.
status message ID
A unique status message identifier. However, each instance of the same status message does not have a different ID. For example, if a certain message’s ID is 62, it is 62 every time the message is generated. A status message has the same ID regardless of locale. Status Message Viewer maps each ID to locale-specific message text.
See also status message; Status Message Viewer.
status message severity
Each status message has one of three severity levels.
A condition that might cause loss of data or service. Errors require swift intervention.
A condition that might degrade system performance but is not expected to cause loss of data or services. Warnings are generally recoverable if acted on quickly.
A change of state or condition. For example, informational messages are generated each time a service stops or restarts.

See also status message.

status message type
Each status message is one of the following types:
Provides an audit trail of SMS configuration, create, set, and delete activities. For example, an audit message is generated every time you create or delete a package or set package properties. Audit messages, which are reported by the SMS Provider, all have the Informational severity level.
Provides information about processing a system action. For example, a status detail message can report that Despooler is decompressing a package into a specific directory on a specific drive. Detail messages usually occur between milestone messages. For example, an SMS component can report a status milestone when it begins replicating files, a status detail for each operation it performs during replication, and a status milestone when replication is completed.
Delimits the separate stages of a system action. For example:

An SMS component that is starting or stopping.

Scheduler detecting and processing a new send request.

Standard Sender establishing a connection and sending a package file and instructions.

See also SMS component; SMS Provider; status message; status message severity.

Status Message Viewer
A tool in the SMS Administrator console that is used to browse the status messages stored in the SMS site database.
See also SMS site database; status message.
status summary
A data set generated by a status summarizer. Status summarizers use the status messages collected by Status Manager and other data in the SMS site database to generate status summaries. Status summaries are easier to interpret than raw status messages.
See also SMS site database; status message; status summarizer.
status summarizer
A component that works with Status Manager to produce status summaries from status messages and other data in the SMS site database.
See also SMS site database; Status Manager; status message; status summary.
status system
The overall system that generates, collects, processes, replicates, and displays status messages in the SMS Administrator console. The status system includes Status Manager, status summarizers, and Status Message Viewer.
See also status message; Status Manager; Status Message Viewer; status summarizer.
storage object
Any addressable device capable of storing data, including:

A SQL Server database

A SQL Server transaction log

A Windows NT share in the \\<ServerName>\<ShareName> format.

A Windows NT share in the \\<ServerName>\D$ format, where D is a share

A NetWare NDS volume

synthetic data
Data that appears to be generated by clients, site systems, or child sites that do not actually exist. You use synthetic data to mimic your SMS site when you conduct your pilot project.
See also pilot project; synthetic load.
synthetic load
Load that you create on your SMS site servers during a pilot project. You use the information gathered from synthetic loads to determine your SMS hardware requirements.
See also pilot site; synthetic data.
System Offer Data Provider
An SMS client component that evaluates advertisements and determines which advertisements are targeted to the current client. Valid advertisements are passed to the Advertised Programs Manager for processing.
See also Advertised Programs Manager; client component.


thread component
An SMS program that runs as a thread of the SMS Executive service component. A thread component can be started and stopped through the SMS Service Manager.
See also client component; service component; SMS component; SMS Executive.
In SQL Server, a stored procedure that is associated with a portion of data stored in the SMS site database. When an attempt to modify the data is made through the SMS Administrator console or by an SMS component, a trigger is called automatically.
See also SMS component; SMS site database.


An action that occurs in software distribution. During an update, the package source version is incremented, and the package source files are recopied to all distribution points that currently contain a copy of the package.
User Offer Data Provider
An SMS client component that evaluates advertisements and determines which ones are targeted to the currently logged-on user or the logged-on user's group memberships. Valid advertisements are passed to the Advertised Programs Manager for processing.
See also Advertised Programs Manager; client component.


wake-up interval
The time period between SMS component polling cycles.
See also SMS component.
See Web-Based Enterprise Management (WBEM).
Web-Based Enterprise Management (WBEM)
One of the Desktop Management Task Force standards for identifying and manipulating managed objects. WBEM is a collection of technologies designed to facilitate management of an organization.
See also CIM Object Manager; Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI).
Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI)
The Microsoft implementation of Web-Based Enterprise Management, one of the Desktop Management Task Force standards for identifying and manipulating managed objects.
See also Windows Management service.
Windows Management service
A Windows NT service that starts and stops the CIM Object Manager.
See also CIM Object Manager; Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI).
An SMS thread component that discovers Windows NT site systems to ensure that their discovery data is updated in the SMS site database.
See also discovery data; SMS site database; thread component.


An SMS thread component that uses an existing RAS connectivity system to communicate with other sites. X25 RAS Sender manages the connection, ensures the integrity of transferred data, recovers from errors, and closes connections when they are no longer needed.
See also sender; thread component.