Replicating from Heterogeneous Data Sources

SQL Server enables heterogeneous data sources to become Publishers within the SQL Server replication framework. Microsoft has exposed and published the replication interfaces, allowing a developer to use all the transaction replication tools of SQL Server.

The replication tools available to heterogeneous data sources include:

The following diagram illustrates how a heterogeneous data source is integrated into the replication framework as a Publisher.

Microsoft has been actively promoting the Distributor Agent interfaces to the developer community to help ensure that ISVs are able to integrate their heterogeneous replication solutions tightly with SQL Server 7.0. Several vendors, including Platinum and Praxis, are building applications to the distributor interfaces, allowing them to drop publications from third-party databases directly into the SQL Server replication framework. After a heterogeneous publication is dropped into the distribution process, it can be monitored directly from third-party tools that support SQL-DMO replication objects.