Because Oracle is XA-compliant and supports the Microsoft Oracle ODBC driver, Oracle databases can participate in MTS transactions. Oracle 7.3.3 is the first release of Oracle that supports MTS transactions. MTS also works with Oracle 8.0, but you must access Oracle 8.0 using the Oracle 7.3.3 client. MTS does not currently support Oracle 8.0 clients. It does work with Oracle Parallel Server.
The table outlines the data access methods that work with Oracle.
Data access method | Comments |
ADO | Provides an object-oriented programming interface for accessing OLE DB data sources. ADO permits a collection of records to be passed between clients and servers in the form of a recordset. A recordset can be used to pass a query result from the server to the client, and to pass updated records from the client to the server. |
Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) | Allows Java components to invoke ODBC databases. |
OLE DB | Provides a standard interface to any tabular data source. ADO/OLE DB currently only supports transactions through the ODBC to OLE DB provider. The Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Oracle supports transactions when it becomes available. You cannot call OLE DB interfaces directly from Visual Basic because OLE DB is a pointer-based interface. A Visual Basic-based client can access an OLE DB data source through ADO. |
ODBC | Provides a standard interface to relational data sources. |
RDO | Provides an object-oriented programming interface for accessing ODBC data sources. |