Data Transformation Services

Data Transformation Services (DTS) facilitates the import, export, and transformation of heterogeneous data. It supports transformations between source and target data using an OLE DB-based architecture. This allows you to move and transform data between the following data sources:

For example, consider a training company with four regional offices, each responsible for a predefined geographical region. The company is using a central SQL Server to store sales data. At the beginning of each quarter, each regional manager populates an Excel spreadsheet with sales targets for every salesperson. These spreadsheets are imported to the central database using the DTS Wizard. At the end of each quarter, the DTS Wizard is used to create a regional spreadsheet that contains target versus actual sales figures for each region.

DTS also can move data from a variety of data sources into data marts or data warehouses. Currently, data warehouse products are high-end, complex add-ons. As companies move toward more data warehousing and decision processing systems, the low cost and ease of configuration of SQL Server 7.0 makes it an attractive choice. For many, the fact that much of the legacy data to be analyzed may be housed in an Oracle system will focus their attention on finding the most cost-effective way to retrieve that data. With DTS, moving and massaging the data from Oracle to SQL Server is less complex and can be completely automated.

DTS introduces the concept of a package, which is a series of tasks performed as a part of a transformation. DTS has its own in-process component object model (COM) server engine that can be used independent of SQL Server and that supports scripting for each column using Visual Basic and JScript development software. Each transformation can include data quality checks and validation, aggregation, and duplicate elimination. You can also combine multiple columns into a single column, or build multiple rows from a single input.

Using the DTS Wizard, you can:

After the package is executed, DTS checks for the destination table and then gives you the option of dropping and re-creating the destination table. If the DTS Wizard does not properly create the destination table, you can verify that the column mappings are correct, select a different data type mapping, or create the table manually and then copy the data.

Each database defines its own data types and column and object naming conventions. DTS attempts to define the best possible data type matches between a source and a destination. However, you can override DTS mappings and specify a different destination data type, size, precision, and scale properties in the Transform dialog box.

Each source and destination may have binary large object (BLOB) limitations. For example, if the destination is ODBC, then a destination table can contain only one BLOB column and it must have a unique index before data can be imported. For more information, see the OLE DB for ODBC driver documentation.

Note DTS functionality may be limited by the capabilities of specific database management system (DBMS) or OLE DB drivers.

DTS uses the source object's name as a default. However, you can also add double quote marks (" ") or square brackets ([ ])around multiword table and column names if this is supported by your DBMS.