Nonclustered Indexes

Nonclustered indexes are most useful for fetching few rows with good selectivity from large SQL Server tables based on a key value. Nonclustered indexes are B-trees formed out of 8-KB index pages. The bottom or leaf level of the B-tree of index pages contains all the data from the columns that comprised that index. When a nonclustered index is used to retrieve information from a table based on a match with the key value, the index B-tree is traversed until a key match is found at the leaf level of the index. A bookmark lookup is made if columns from the table are needed that did not form part of the index. This bookmark lookup will likely require a nonsequential I/O operation on the disk. It even might require the data to be read from another disk if the table and its accompanying index B-tree(s) are large. If multiple bookmark lookups lead to the same 8-KB data page, there is less I/O performance penalty because it is necessary to read the page into data cache only once. For each row returned for a SQL query that involves searching with a nonclustered index, one bookmark lookup is required. These bookmark lookups are the reason that nonclustered indexes are better suited for SQL queries that return only one or a few rows from the table. Queries that require many rows to be returned are better served with a clustered index.

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