Index Tuning Wizard

One of the most time-consuming and inexact processes in managing a relational database is the creation of indexes to optimize the performance of user queries. The Index Tuning Wizard is a new tool that allows a database administrator to create and implement indexes without an expert understanding of the structure of the database, hardware platforms, and components, or of how end-user applications interact with the relational engine. The Index Tuning Wizard analyzes database workload and recommends an optimal index configuration for the SQL Server database.

The Index Tuning Wizard can:

The Index Tuning Wizard can analyze an SQL script or the output from a SQL Server Profiler trace and make recommendations regarding the effectiveness of the current indexes referenced in the trace file or SQL script. The recommendations consist of SQL statements that can be executed to drop existing indexes and create new, more effective indexes. The recommendations suggested by the wizard can then be saved to an SQL script to be executed manually by the user at a later time, immediately implemented, or automatically scheduled for later implementation by creating a SQL Server job that executes the SQL script.

If an existing SQL script or trace is not available for the Index Tuning Wizard to analyze, the wizard can create one immediately or schedule one using SQL Server Profiler. When the database administrator has determined that the trace file has captured a representative sample of the normal workload of the database being monitored, the wizard can analyze the captured data and recommend an index configuration to improve database performance.