Storage Engine Features

The table summarizes the storage engine features of SQL Server 7.0.

Feature Description and benefits
Data type sizes Size limitations of data types increased dramatically.
Databases and files Database creation simplified. Databases now reside on operating-system files instead of logical devices.
Dynamic memory Performance improved by optimizing memory allocation and usage. Simplified design minimizes contention with other resource managers.
Dynamic row-level locking Full row-level locking implemented for both data rows and index entries. Dynamic locking chooses the optimal level of lock (row, page, multiple page, table) for all database operations automatically. Improved concurrency provided with no tuning. Database supports hints to force a particular level of locking.
Dynamic space management Automatic grow and shrink allowed within configurable limits, minimizing the need for database administrator intervention. It is not necessary to preallocate space and manage data structures.
Evolution New architecture designed for extensibility, with a foundation for object-relational features.
Large memory support Memory addressing supported for greater than 4 gigabytes (GB) in conjunction with Windows NT Server 5.0, Alpha-processor based systems, and other techniques.
Log manager Design simplified to improve performance for truncation, online backup, and recovery operations.
Read ahead Smart read-ahead logic implemented to improve performance and eliminate manual tuning.
Text and image Text and image data stored separately in an optimized format.
Unicode Native Unicode implemented, with Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) and OLE DB Unicode application programming interfaces (APIs), to improve multilingual support.