Files Created by the Upgrade Process

After the upgrade process is complete, you can view the files that are created. Each time you run the SQL Server Upgrade Wizard, a new directory is created in the \Mssql7\Upgrade directory. This directory name is in the format EXPORTSERVER_DATE_TIME. For example, on the server used for this chapter, the directory SERVER1_102898_134353 indicates the server name is SERVER1, the date is 28 October 1998, and the time is 1:43:53 PM. Within that directory, each database has its own directory.

In each database directory, you can find the results of running the create scripts for each type of object (such as .tab for tables). The root directory contains reports for various parts of the upgrade that are not related necessarily to the scripts run in each database. You do not have to examine any of these files unless there is a problem with the upgrade. A separate copy of the data is not kept; only scripts of objects, logins, users, scheduled tasks, and any other options you requested are kept.

Do not delete this directory until you are comfortable that you have upgraded fully to SQL Server 7.0.