Creating Tables

Because Oracle and SQL Server support SQL-92 entry-level conventions for identifying RDBMS objects, the CREATE TABLE syntax is similar.

Oracle Microsoft SQL Server
{col_name column_properties
[default_expression] [constraint [constraint
[...constraint]]]| [[,] constraint]}
[[,] {next_col_name | next_constraint}...]
[Oracle Specific Data Storage Parameters]
CREATE TABLE [server.][database.][owner.] table_name
{col_name column_properties[constraint
[constraint [...constraint]]]| [[,] constraint]}
[[,] {next_col_name | next_constraint}...]
[ON filegroup_name]

Oracle database object names are not case-sensitive. In Microsoft SQL Server, database object names can be case-sensitive, depending on the installation options selected.

When SQL Server is first set up, the default sort order is dictionary order, case-insensitive. (This can be configured differently using SQL Server Setup.) Because Oracle object names are always unique, you should not have any problems migrating the database objects to SQL Server. It is recommended that all table and column names in both Oracle and SQL Server be uppercase to avoid problems if a user installs on a case-sensitive SQL Server.