Remote Transactions

To perform remote transactions in Oracle, you must have access to a remote database node with a database link. In SQL Server, you must have access to a remote server. A remote server is a server running SQL Server on the network that users can access by using their local server. When a server is set up as a remote server, users can use the system procedures and the stored procedures on it without explicitly logging in to it.

Remote servers are set up in pairs. You must configure both servers to recognize each other as remote servers. The name of each server must be added to its partner with the sp_addlinkedserver system stored procedure or SQL Server Enterprise Manager.

After you set up a remote server, use the sp_addremotelogin system stored procedure or SQL Server Enterprise Manager to set up remote login IDs for the users who must access that remote server. After this step is completed, you must grant permissions to execute the stored procedures.

The EXECUTE statement is then used to run procedures on the remote server. This example executes the validate_student stored procedure on the remote server STUDSVR1 and stores the return status indicating success or failure in @retvalue1:

DECLARE @retvalue1 int
EXECUTE @retvalue = STUDSVR1.student_db.student_admin.validate_student    '111111111'


For more information, see SQL Server Books Online.