Sample Application and Code References
These sample applications are referenced throughout this chapter.
- Orademo.cpp
- Oracle ODBC application that accesses the sample university tables on an Oracle 7.3 database. This program is the starting point for the conversion process. It allows users to perform data entry and produce reports against the sample university application.
- Ssdemo.cpp
- SQL Server application written using ODBC. This program is the ending point for the conversion process. All of the Oracle SQL commands, procedures, packages, and functions have been converted to SQL Server Transact-SQL statements and procedures. Many of the advantages associated with SQL Server 7.0 are demonstrated in this program.
- Common.cpp
- ODBC application that works with both Oracle and SQL Server. To connect to Oracle or SQL Server, the user simply provides the ODBC Data Source Name (DSN). The program then logs on to the requested RDBMS. The program contains excellent examples of programming techniques that can be used when developing a multi-RDBMS program.
- Orauser.sql
- Creates the database user accounts and database roles required for the sample Oracle program.
- Oratable.sql
- Creates the tables and views required for the sample Oracle program.
- Oraproc.sql
- Creates the Oracle stored procedure, functions, and packages required for the sample Oracle program.
- Oracommn.sql
- Creates all of the additional Oracle database objects that are required to support the Common.cpp program.
- Oradata.sql
- Loads sample application data into the tables required for the sample Oracle program.
- Ssuser.sql
- Creates the SQL Server user accounts and database roles required for the sample SQL Server program.
- Sstable.sql
- Creates the SQL Server tables and views required for the sample SQL Server program.
- Ssproc.sql
- Creates the stored procedures required for the sample SQL Server program.
- Sscommon.sql
- Creates all of the additional SQL Server database objects that are required to support the Common.cpp application.
- Ssdata.sql
- Loads sample application data into the tables required for the sample SQL Server program.