Client Configuration and Net-Libraries

Although it is easier to use Microsoft DB-Library to migrate Sybase applications that use CT-Library, in order to take full advantage of Microsoft SQL Server version 7.0 functionality, it is recommended that Microsoft SQL Server–based clients use either an OLE DB provider or an ODBC driver to connect with the server. Microsoft supplies two components, Ntwdblib.dll (DB-Library) and Sqlsrv32.dll (ODBC driver), to replace the Sybase client components.

Microsoft SQL Server–based clients should use the appropriate Microsoft SQL Server Network Library components.

Net-Library Win32 DLL
TCP/IP Windows Sockets Dbmssocn.dll
Named Pipes Dbnmpntw.dll
Multiprotocol Dbmsrpcn.dll
Novell IPX/SPX Dbmsspxn.dll
Banyan VINES Dbmsvinn.dll
AppleTalk Dbmsadsn.dll

One of the Microsoft SQL Server client-side components installed in the SQL Server program group, the SQL Server Client Network Utility, is used to manage the client-side Net-Libraries. The user can choose which Net-Library to use as the default. By using a Net-Library and the network name of the server, the user can make advanced entries to connect to servers that use other protocols. The Advanced Entry dialog box holds three components:

Server Alias
The label by which the entry is referenced at connect time. For example, if an advanced entry is created with SERVER=XYZ, the server XYZ is used for the connection when osql is run with a /Sxyz switch.
Network Library
The Microsoft SQL Server Net-Library used by the client to connect to the aliased server. Select the check box that corresponds with the appropriate Net-Library.
Connection Parameters
The network address of the server. For example, if it is a Windows Sockets entry, specify the port and socket address of the server. If it is a Named Pipes or Multiprotocol entry, specify the network name of the server.

Sybase and Microsoft servers are compatible with each other’s client software, provided the software is limited to SQL Server 4.2 features. Microsoft servers can host Sybase clients, and Sybase servers can host Microsoft clients. Since version 4.2, the servers diverge with their introduction of new data types, new Transact-SQL statements, new ANSI-based statements, and new administrative procedures. Sybase customers migrating to Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 should convert the client software to use OLE DB providers or ODBC drivers. This software is included with Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 or can be downloaded at no charge from (connect time charges may apply).

For more information about configuring the client Net-Libraries, see SQL Server Books Online.