Starting Point: Btrieve Application

Btrvapp.exe is a simple data-entry and reporting application that maintains information about book titles, the publishers that own the titles, and sales information for each title. The Btrieve application accesses two Btrieve files, Sales.btr and Titlepub.btr, through the Btrieve microkernel engine. The Sales file contains sales information for each title, and the Titlepub file maintains the title and publisher information for each title. The Sales file and the Titlepub file each have two keys that correspond to a publisher and a title ID.

The Btrieve application uses these keys to position itself within these files when it performs all searches. The Btrieve application uses ISAM row-at-a-time searching techniques and result processing to perform its operations, and Btrieve concurrent transactions to manage the locks in the data file while information is updated, inserted, or deleted. The Btrieve application provides the following functionality: