Microsoft Site Server version 3.0 also ships an OLE DB provider, the primary purpose of which is to allow users to write ADO application programs to query Web data. The OLE DB Provider for Site Server has not yet been tested with the SQL Server 7.0 query processor for distributed queries, and there is no official support for interoperability with SQL Server 7.0. However, users who want to experiment with this configuration will find the following information useful.
As with the OLE DB Provider for Index Services, the sp_addlinkedserver stored procedure is used to register OLE DB Provider for Site Server. For example, to register this provider for the WebTest text search catalog on the same computer that SQL Server is running on, the following statement must be executed:
EXECUTE sp_addlinkedserver WebData, 'Site Server', 'MSSEARCHSQL', 'WebTest'
These are the definitions of the syntax terminology:
Notice that Site Server has additional syntax to support the union of results generated by a query across multiple catalogs. For more information, see your Site Server Search documentation.