Platform SDK: CDO 1.2.1

A Typical To-Do List

This To-Do list was produced by a conversion of the While You Were Out form.

While You Were Out
  IPM.Note.While You Were Out
  Successfully converted.

To Do List (ToDo.txt in converted form directory):
  Outlook HTML Form Converter
  This file contains information and recommendations generated by the converter pertaining to the form you converted. It helps you identify elements of your Outlook form that were not converted. See the accompanying documentation for further details on the converter and the conversion process.
  The control name listed for each item is in the form 'a_b_c_d (e)' where:
      a = control's Outlook name
      b, c, d = other info necessary to guarantee uniqueness
      e = the file that contains the control
  CommandButton1_23_0_g (Message.asp): Button is associated with a recipient field, this association did not convert.
  Image1_24_0_g (Message.asp): AutoSize is always on in HTML, image size may need to be adjusted.
  Image2_25_0_g (Message.asp): AutoSize is always on in HTML, image size may need to be adjusted.
  Label6_1b_0_g (Message.asp): Previously overlapped, may need to adjust positioning.
  Image1_24_0_g (Message.asp): Previously overlapped, may need to adjust positioning.
  Image2_25_0_g (Message.asp): Completely hidden by other controls, did not get converted.
  Image1_2f_0_gr (Message-Read.asp): AutoSize is always on in HTML, image size may need to be adjusted.
  Image2_32_0_gr (Message-Read.asp): AutoSize is always on in HTML, image size may need to be adjusted.
  Label6_30_0_gr (Message-Read.asp): Completely hidden by other controls, did not get converted.
  Label1_31_0_gr (Message-Read.asp): Completely hidden by other controls, did not get converted.
  Image2_32_0_gr (Message-Read.asp): Completely hidden by other controls, did not get converted.
  ** End of To Do List **