Platform SDK: CDO 1.2.1

About anonfldr.asp

Using the functions in, this file checks for and if necessary creates an anonymous CDO session on the Microsoft Exchange Server. It also renders one page of messages (25 lines) from each top-level published folder using the default view and all default renderer options.

First, it checks for the existence of an anonymous session by calling the CheckAMAnonSession function in If this session exists, the following command makes the anonymous session object available locally:

Set objAMAnonSession= Application( "AMAnonSession")

This file then checks for a list of published public folders by calling the CheckAMAnonFolders function in If this folder list is retrievable, the following command makes the folder list available locally:

amFolders= Application( "AMAnonFolders")

Next, it creates a ContainerRenderer object with this call:

Set objFolderRenderer = objRenderApp.CreateRenderer(3)

It then uses the ContainerRenderer object to render folders, using the amFolders list, with these calls:

'now render a table of the first 25 messages in the folder
objFolderRenderer.DataSource = objFolder.Messages
objFolderRenderer.Render 1,0,0,Response