Platform SDK: CDO 1.2.1

About logon.asp

The logon.asp script file calls the following functions:

BAuthenticateUser ensures that the user is authenticated. See the description in

CheckAMSession checks for a CDO session in the Session object and returns it. See the description in

It then retrieves the CDO session with the following command:

Set objAMSession= Session( "AMSession")

This call ensures that the CDO session has not timed out, or if it has, re-establishes a session.

If no session can be retrieved, an error message is displayed.

Then, in an HTML section, it displays data from the session.

Inbox name : <b><%= objAMSession.Inbox.Name %></b><br>
Outbox name: <b><%= objAMSession.Outbox.Name %></b><br>

Finally, it lets the user log on or log off by clicking a link to logon.asp or logoff.asp:

<a href="logon.asp">Logon.asp</a><br>
<a href="logoff.asp">Logoff.asp</a><br>