Platform SDK: CDO 1.2.1

Attachment Object

The Attachment object represents a document that is an attachment of a message.

At a Glance

Specified in type library: CDO.DLL
First available in: CDO Library version 1.0.a
Parent objects: Attachments collection
Child objects: Fields collection
Default property: Name


Available since version

Application 1.0.a String Read-only
Class 1.0.a Long Read-only
Fields 1.1 Field object or Fields collection object Read-only
Index 1.0.a Long Read-only
MAPIOBJECT 1.1 IUnknown object Read/write (Note: Not available to Visual Basic applications)
Name 1.0.a String Read/write
Parent 1.0.a Attachments collection object Read-only
Position 1.0.a Long Read/write
Session 1.0.a Session object Read-only
Source 1.0.a String or Message object Read/write
Type 1.0.a Long Read/write


Available since version
Delete 1.0.a (none)
IsSameAs 1.1 objAttach2 as Object
ReadFromFile 1.0.a fileName as String
WriteToFile 1.0.a fileName as String


An attachment is an object, such as a file or an OLE object, that is associated with and transmitted with a Message object. It is assigned a particular location within the message, specified by the Position property, and overwrites the character at that position when the message is displayed to a messaging user. Typically, a placeholder such as an icon is displayed instead of the attachment's contents, until the user requests that the attachment be opened and displayed in its entirety.

The Microsoft® CDO Library does not manage the actual display of the attachment or its placeholder. The properties of the Attachment object simply provide information which the displaying application can use to find and open the attachment, select a suitable placeholder, and convert the attachment's contents into a display.

An Attachment object can be rendered into HTML hypertext using the CDO Rendering ObjectRenderer object. To specify this, set the object renderer's DataSource property to the Attachment object itself. The individual properties that can be rendered with the RenderProperty method are indicated in the Attachment object property descriptions.