Platform SDK: CDO 1.2.1

CE Mail Files

This application includes the following files:

File Purpose Sets constants. Sets string constants.
default.htm Takes the user to logon.asp.
folder.asp Renders folder contents.
global.asa Performs Active Server™ startup and shutdown functions, including impersonation to validate the user.
item.asp Opens and renders a message, when clicked.
logon.asp Logs on and authenticates a user. This include file contains functions written in Microsoft® Visual Basic® Scripting Edition (VBScript) used to log on to a Microsoft Exchange Server. These functions are used in logon.asp.
pickfold.asp Renders folders contained within Inbox or other selected folder.
pickview.asp Lets the user choose a view. Contains functions for obtaining renderer objects.

As distributed, this sample application supports only one message class (one type of form), and thus contains only one subfolder under the Forms subfolder. This is the IPM subfolder.