Platform SDK: CDO 1.2.1

Find User Files

This sample application includes the following files:

File Purpose Defines common CDO and MAPI constants and properties.
default.htm Takes the user to findusr.asp.
details.asp This .asp file renders, in a new window, the details (full name, phone number, manager, office, and so on) of the user being sought. It uses the ObjectRenderer object to render these details.
findusr.asp Displays a form to get the Microsoft Exchange server, the user's mailbox, and the e-mail name of the person being sought. This file uses the functions (such as GetConfig) in It obtains the global address book (GAL) from the CDO session and sets the filter for the e-mail name being sought.
global.asa Performs Active Server™ startup and shutdown functions, including impersonation to validate the user. Sets strings.and error messages. Concentrating these in a single include file eases localization. This include file contains functions written in Microsoft® Visual Basic® Scripting Edition (VBScript) used to log on to a Microsoft Exchange Server. These functions are used in findusr.asp.