Platform SDK: CDO 1.2.1

Format Object

The Format object contains information that controls how a particular property is to be rendered.

At a Glance

Specified in type library: CDOHTML.DLL
First available in: CDO Rendering Library version 1.1
Parent objects: Formats collection
Child objects: Patterns collection
Default property: (none)


Available since version

Class 1.1 Long Read-only
Name 1.1 String Read/write
Parent 1.1 Formats collection object Read-only
Patterns 1.1 Pattern object or Patterns collection object Read-only
Property 1.1 Long or String Read-only


Available since version
Delete 1.1 (none)


The Format object provides rendering information for exactly one property of the object being rendered. The property is designated by either property tag or property name in the corresponding Format object's Property property.

A format contains a collection of patterns that control how all values of the property are to be rendered, available through the format’s Patterns property. Each pattern in the Patterns collection governs the rendering for a particular set of values of the property.

You can define a format for every renderable property, but it is also possible to render a property without a format. If the property is associated with a column in a table view, that Column object may have a RenderUsing property providing a rendering source for the column. If a property is rendered without a format or a rendering source, either in a column or with the RenderProperty method, it is rendered by data type using default rendering information.