Platform SDK: CDO 1.2.1

Installing Organization Chart

To install the Organization Chart sample application

  1. Ensure that Microsoft® IIS version 3.0 or later, Microsoft® Active Server Pages, and Microsoft Outlook Web Access are installed on the same server. To install Web Access, run server setup on the distribution compact disk of Microsoft Exchange Server, select Complete/Custom, and select the Outlook Web Access option. This installs the CDO Library, the CDO Rendering Library, and Web Access .asp files.
  2. Create a folder on the IIS computer — for example, c:\CDOSamples\OrgChart\. Copy all files from the appropriate folder on the distribution compact disk into this folder, keeping the hierarchy of subfolders intact.
  3. Using the Internet Service Manager, create a new virtual root indicating the subfolder "scripts" (c:\CDOSamples\OrgChart\scripts), and enable both Read and Execute permissions on it. For example, if you create a virtual root called \OrgChart, the files in it will be available with a URL like http://<server>/OrgChart/jamorgchart.asp.
  4. Register the orgchart.dll in the \bin directory:
    c:\AMSamples\OrgChart\bin> regsvr32 orgchart.dll