Platform SDK: CDO 1.2.1

Job Candidates Files

This application includes the following files:

File Description
abandon.asp Abandons the Active Server™ session.
buttons.asp Receives input from the Logoff and New Candidates buttons and redirects the user to the appropriate page.
default.htm Takes the user to frmroot.asp.
folder.asp Renders the list of job candidates.
frmroot.asp Sets up the main window with the frameset of title.htm, abandon.asp, and graphic1.htm.
graphic1.htm Contains a graphic.
graphic2.htm Contains a graphic.
jobcand.pst The public folder that contains the Microsoft Outlook version of this sample application.
logoff.asp Cleans up variables and logs the user off. Contains logon subroutines.
new.asp Sets up the overview.asp form to accept a new candidate
overview.asp Contains the Candidate Overview form and tabs. It can show information for a selected candidate or be displayed empty (by new.asp) to accept information about a new candidate. Contains constants used throughout the application. Contains a server-side Visual Basic Scripting Edition (VBScript) function.
resume.asp Contains the Resume form and tabs.
saved.asp This file is run when candidate information has been saved. It lets the user log off or return to the candidates list page.
schedule.asp Lets the user schedule an interview for a selected candidate by sending a message to the person who entered the information or a different interviewer. Contains session-management, error-handling, and utility subroutines. Contains several important subroutines used for manipulating candidate data.
submit.asp Submits candidate information to the public folder.
title.htm Contains the title of the Web page.
work.asp Contains the Work Experience form and tabs.