Platform SDK: CDO 1.2.1

Named Formats

Named formats are objects that can be created by the user or defined by the CDO Rendering Library. Like property-only formats, these objects can contain any number of patterns which in turn contain values and RenderUsing pattern strings. They do not require a specific property value.

Once defined, the named format may be used like any other substitution token in a pattern string by placing the name between percent (%) symbols. This makes complex layering possible. You cannot do this with property-only formats.

For instance, setting RenderingApplication.VirtualRoot creates the virtroot named format, which contains a single “*” pattern containing the IIS virtual-root setting. The string %virtroot% in a pattern string will be replaced by the value set in RenderingApplication.VirtualRoot.

In this way, named format objects may be used as a table of symbols, containing replacement strings that can be referenced by name. A few reserved named formats contain formatting instructions for specific operations performed by the CDO Rendering Library rendering objects. These reserved names are listed in the following table.

Reserved Named Formats and Usage

Named format Used by Function
virtroot RenderingApplication object IIS virtual root containing Web application.
classpath RenderingApplication object Message class to directory mapping for forms, for instance “Ipm/Note/” for the IPM.Note class.
message_Link ObjectRenderer object Pattern used by the RenderLink Method (ObjectRenderer Object).
message_Link ContainerRenderer object Pattern used as link for objects in a table (messages or address entries). Automatically selects appropriate column based on table cell value.
folderhierarchy_Parent ContainerRenderer object Pattern used to render the link to the parent of the current folder when rendering a folder hierarchy.
folderhierarchy_Icon ContainerRenderer object Patterns for icons used when rendering subfolders, and special folders, in the folder hierarchy.
folderhierarchy_Link ContainerRenderer object Pattern used to render active links to subfolders.

Important  In order to render a hierarchy, the named formats folderhierarchy_Parent, folderhierarchy_Icon, and folderhierarchy_Link must be defined. To know what patterns to add, see the examples in the tables in Suggested Formats and Patterns.